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Job Families - Manager Supports (New)

Page updated 20th December 2024

Job Families - Manager Supports


The Job Families Framework was introduced to UCD in 2019, which grouped Professional and Administrative roles into nine separate Job Families.   The benefits of this framework includes the following:

  • It can be used as a Career & Development planning tool and as a support to the P4G process
  • The Framework  gives visibility to the range of roles and potential career paths across UCD.
  • It provides clear and consistent descriptions of the competencies required for different roles, to help plan the development and careers of Professional and Administrative staff in the University

We have now carried out a review of this process, to look specifically how it relates to the resourcing process. We held a number of focus groups with line managers from different areas across the University and the feedback was mixed.   The process was viewed positively in relation to career development planning and the P4G process, it gives greater consistency in job descriptions and provides a focus for candidates in preparing for interview.  We also received feedback on areas where improvements could be made.  The following changes to the process have now been agreed: 

  • Proficiency levels can be removed from job descriptions 
  • Nine job description templates have been created, one for each career level/grade.  These will be prepopulated with the common core competencies associated with the relevant career level/grade.  Instructions will be contained within the job description template to reduce the number of documents that currently exists for this process
  • Hiring managers can now tailor the wording for competencies to make them more relevant to their role
  • Hiring managers can remove any core competencies from the list that they do not feel are relevant to their specific role, however a minimum number of competencies to include will be required.
  • Any specific requirements that are role specific that are not covered by the Core or Functional Competencies should be bulleted under the Experience and Education section of the Selection Criteria. 
  • An update to the website to guide hiring managers through the process.

How do I choose the Career Level for my role?

The nine career levels in the Job Families Framework are aligned with different grades in UCD.

Career Level  UCD Grades
Career Level 1 Executive Assistant / Library Assistant / Library Attendant / Services Steward / Programmer III / Sports Assistant
Career Level 2 Senior Executive Assistant / Senior Library Assistant / Services Supervisor / Sports Supervisor
Career Level 3 Administrative Officer II /  Super in Audio Visual Aid/ Archivist II, Assistant Librarian II/ Assistant Sports Manager/ Assistant Superintendent Bldg/ Programmer II
Career Level 4 Administrative Officer I / Programmer I / Archivist I / Assistant Librarian I
Career Level 5 Administrative Officer IA / Facilities Manager / Project Engineer
Career Level 6 Senior Administrative Officer IV/ Sub-Librarian
Career Level 7 Senior Administrative Officer III / Operations Manager
Career Level 8 Senior Administrative Officer II 
Career Level 9 Senior Administrative Officer I

How do I choose the best Job Family for my role?

Functional Competencies vary between roles in a Job Family and between Job Families themselves. They are specific to each family.  If you are unsure under which family the role belongs, you should review the functional competencies under each link below.  Assign the family that suits the role best based on the best match of functional competencies.  It is not possible to use different functional competencies from different families, however, if there is a particular skill that does not appear in the competencies that are important to this role, these can be added under the Experience and Qualifications section of the Selection Criteria. 

Job Description Templates - Now by Career Level 

The Job Families in Detail - Quick Links below:

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