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Visiting Academic Staff

Page updated 15 August 2022

Visiting academic appointees are individuals from other Universities/Third Level Institutions whose appointment to a School/Institute/College will enhance its teaching or research profile and contribute to the intellectual life of the University. In this section you can learn more about the levels at which appointments are made and the process for securing approval.

Policy summary

A visiting academic title is recognised as an honour bestowed upon an individual by the University. It is expected that the appointee will hold an academic post at the level of Lecturer/Assistant Professor, Research Fellow, Associate Professor, Senior Research Fellow, Professor or Full Professor in a comparable higher education institute and have equal or superior levels of expertise and experience to those of regular staff performing similar activities. They will assume a Visiting Academic title equivalent to that which they hold in their home institution (i.e. their primary employer).

There are four levels of appointment:

  1. Visiting Full Professor
  2. Visiting Professor
  3. Visiting Associate Professor or Visiting Senior Research Fellow
  4. Visiting Lecturer/Assistant Professor or Visiting Research Fellow

Appointees will be appointed for a maximum of five years. Normally there will be no remuneration attached to the appointment. Exceptions will require the approval of the University Management Team.

Learn more about Visiting Academic & Adjunct appointees in (opens in a new window)the Visiting Academic and Adjunct Staff Policy,

Process for appointment of Visiting Academic Appointees

Step 1: The Head of School/Director of Institute proposes nomination to the College Principal.  The following documents should be made available to the College Principal: 

Step 2: Nominations approved by the College Principal to be brought to College Executive for approval.

Step 3: Following approval from the College Principal & College Executive meeting, the College Office should email the following documentation to UCD HR, Promotions & Grading ((opens in a new window)Promotions@ucd.ie):

  • The completed Visiting Academic/Adjunct Staff Nomination/Renewal Form
  • A copy of the nominee's C.V.

Step 4: Promotions & Grading set up appointments on the system

Step 5: Promotions & Grading issue letter of appointment

Step 6: List sent to Academic Council for noting (Spring - annually) by Promotions & Grading. 

Frequently Asked Questions

A Visiting Academic will hold an academic post at the level of Lecturer/Assistant Professor, Research Fellow, Associate Professor, Senior Research Fellow, Professor or Full Professor in a comparable higher education institute and have equal or superior levels of expertise and experience to those of regular staff performing similar activities.  They will assume a Visiting Academic title similar to that which they hold in their home institution (i.e. their primary employer).

Adjunct Staff appointees include:

  • Individuals distinguished by high achievement in the world of industry, business, science, the professions, the arts or public service who have been recognised by peers as outstanding in their field;
  • Staff of the University (excluding Faculty and excluding staff from the nominating unit/school);
  • Retired UCD Faculty.

Adjunct Staff appointees will be given titles that are most appropriate in terms of academic rank recognising that academic experience may differ relative to faculty who are employed at the University.  They will possess professional and/or academic qualifications and expertise comparable with those expected of faculty at a similar grade within the University.

The College Principal will seek advice from the College Executive on the proposed nomination.  The College Principal/Vice President for Research Innovation and Impact has the responsibility to ensure that an appointee possesses professional and/or academic qualifications and expertise comparable with those expected at a similar grade within the University. 

In relation to the level of the appointment, the College Principal/Vice-President for Research, Innovation and Impact may seek advice from members of the Faculty Promotions Committee

Normally, visiting academic staff will be appointed at the same level they hold at their home institution.

Normally, no remuneration is attached to Visiting Academic appointments.  In exceptional cases where remuneration is recommended, payment other than out-of-pocket expenses will require UMT approval. An individual who has an association with the University in the capacity as an occasional lecturer etc. should not be nominated for appointment as a visiting academic or adjunct staff.

UCD Human Resources

Roebuck Offices, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
T: +353 1 716 4900 | E: hrhelpdesk@ucd.ie | Location Map(opens in a new window)