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Research Funded Resourcing

Page updated 21 June 2024


This section outlines the online process for hiring employees to fill Research Funded Posts using the Hiring & Employee Changes Forms on InfoHub. You will also find detailed explanations of the resourcing process from advertising through to offers and contracts. Research funded posts are supported by a wider variety of Policies and processes than Core Funded post and details of all of these supports can be found in this section.

Important terms

  • Resarch funded posts are roles where salary costs are drawn from a research fund such as  an ERC or SFI fund. For hiring processes pertaining to staff whose costs are drawn from School / Unit accounts please see the Core Funded Resourcing page instead.
  • ‘RCF posts’ are roles listed under the Research Careers Framework such as Postdoctoral Researchers and Research Fellows.
  • Non-RCF posts’ are all other research funded roles you wish to advertise or recruit.

Research Funded Resourcing Policy

This Policy applies only to the recruitment and selection of Research Funded staff. Procedures outlined in the policy cover all aspects of research funded resourcing and must be applied without exception. The Policy outlines each stage of the hiring process from the formation of a board to interviews, offers and contracts. 

Also covered in the Policy are situations specific to the research funded area such as:

  • the hiring of Post-Doc’s who have not yet been awarded their PhD
  • advertising costs / advertising exceptions

The pages in this section contain a summary of a UCD policy, however, in all cases the (opens in a new window)Recruitment & Selection Policy - Research Funded Staff remains the definitive source of information on the topic.

Research Funded Resourcing Process Summary

Step 1: Vacant Post Identified or Change in Employment Details requested. 

Step 2: For RCF posts, you will need to asses the post under the relevant Employment Contract Management Policies (UCD Intranet):

Step 3: For all posts, you will need to review the Skilled Resource Pool (SRP) prior to submitting an online hiring form.

Step 4: Go to InfoHub and Select 1 of the 4 options on the (opens in a new window)Online Hiring and Employee Changes forms either:

  1. Advertise a Role
  2. Extend an Employee's Contract
  3. Direct Hire
  4. Change Employment Details.

Step 5: Contact your local Resourcing Consultant to discuss the objective grounds for this post, Job Description and advertising details.

Step 6: Complete the mandatory fields on the (opens in a new window)Online Hiring and Employee Changes (Research Funded) Form to move to the next stage in the approval workflow. 

Step 7: Your local Resroucing consultant will review the form once it has completed the approval workflow. It will then be submitted to the Resourcing Support team to be actioned.

Step 8: Once the post has been advertised a member of the Resourcing Support Team (responsible for administering the posts associated with your School/Unit) will contact you in order to progress the competition. Your local Resourcing Consultant, however, remains your key point of contact throughout the resourcing process.

Step 9: Once an appointee and salary has been identified the Research Finance Office will act as the final approvers in the workflow before a contract is issued to the employee.


  • The Research Finance Office ((opens in a new window)rfo@ucd.ie) should be contacted if a new grant code needs to be setup or if clarifications need to be sought in relation to funding or project end dates.  This process should be done in tandem with the advertisement of a new post. 
  • Extensions, Direct Hires or Changes in Hours cannot be submitted through the online form process unless the funding is already in place.

Garda Vetting

Following the commencement of the National Vetting Bureau (Children and Vulnerable Persons) Acts 2012 to 2016 on the 29th of April 2016, UCD must ensure that Garda Vetting is conducted for any staff members with access to children and/or vulnerable adults as a necessary and regular part of their employment/engagement. Garda Vetting must be completed prior to the staff member starting in their post.  This requirement includes short term appointments and casual staff.

For any new hourly paid staff members, hiring managers need to consider whether the role the claimant will be doing requires Garda Vetting. To determine this, please consult the Garda Vetting Policy for Staff on the UCD HR website or speak to a member of the Resourcing Team. Garda Vetting in UCD lasts 3 years, however the University reserves the right to request any employee/third party to undergo vetting/police clearance at any time in their employment/engagement but in any event at appropriate intervals or such shorter periods as may be prescribed under the Act or as may be deemed appropriate by the University.

Garda Vetting between organisations is non-transferrable (exceptions are made if a sharing agreement in place between UCD and the organisation).

Queries on Garda Vetting should be directed to (opens in a new window)staffvetting@ucd.ie

Further information:

Work Permits

Any person coming to work in UCD from outside the EU requires authorisation to work legally in Ireland.  For hourly paid staff, it is the responsibility of the School/Unit to ensure paperwork is in order before work commences.

Regulations regarding employment permits are laid down by the (opens in a new window)Department of Business, Enterprise and Employment and must be strictly adhered to.

Payment cannot and will not be made to any person who is not authorised to work in Ireland.

Entry Visa information: Information on coming to Ireland can be found at (opens in a new window)www.irishimmigration.ie/

UK Citizens

UK citizens have the (opens in a new window)right to work in Ireland without an employment permit under the Common Travel Area.

UCD Human Resources

Roebuck Offices, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
T: +353 1 716 4900 | E: hrhelpdesk@ucd.ie | Location Map(opens in a new window)