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Result 1: Actionable Framework for Responsible Use of Learner Data

Actionable framework for the responsible use of digital technologies and digital (learner) data

The preparatory phase of this project will inform the scope and content by a baseline quick scan undertaken by all project partners as well as a robust needs analysis based on the collated data.

The project presents the following actionable framework, a tool for promoting and nurturing responsible use of digital tools and data and raising awareness on issues pertaining to privacy and responsibly deploying learning analytics amongst HYBRID-E’s respective academic communities.

Actionable framework for the responsible use of digital technologies and digital (learner) data

Contact the UCD members of the Hybrid-e Team

David Jennings (UCD Teaching & Learning) | Eoin Mc Evoy (Scoil na Gaeilge, an Léinn Cheiltigh agus an Bhéaloidis UCD)
E: david.jennings@ucd.ie | eoin.mcevoy@ucd.ie