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Result 3: Virtual Community of Practice

Inclusive Virtual Community of Practice (CoP)

Operation Framework Design & Platform Development (Report & Software)

After preparing the beta version of the platform at the end of year 1, this will ultimately lead to the development of a suite of digital tools and OER accessible to all HYBRID-E partners, institutions from their respective alliances and networks and HEIs across Europe.

Accessibility to a wide range of teaching and support staff members across HYBRID-E’s membership is essential to the success, as HYBRID-E aspires to be inclusive in terms of engaging the majority of its teaching and professional services staff.

Moreover, it will include flexible pathways so this can be tailored by each institution, to suit local context and to suit their circumstances, institutional, regional and national priorities.

Visit the (opens in a new window)Hybrid-e Virtual Community of Practice.

Contact the UCD members of the Hybrid-e Team

David Jennings (UCD Teaching & Learning) | Eoin Mc Evoy (Scoil na Gaeilge, an Léinn Cheiltigh agus an Bhéaloidis UCD)
E: david.jennings@ucd.ie | eoin.mcevoy@ucd.ie