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Masters and Diploma Programmes

Masters and Diploma Programmes

Technology is ubiquitous in our everyday life. We have countless interactions whether it be through mobile apps, smart devices, or more traditional desktop systems. It is vital now more than ever that these interfaces are designed with a deep understanding of the user, their desires and needs as well as how these interfaces will impact society more widely. The MSc in Human Computer Interaction combines core elements and skills to prepare you to work within user experience and human computer interaction. The programme is unique in Ireland, harnessing the world-class expertise in the School of Information and Communication Studies to explore the discipline of human-computer interaction (HCI), from a social science perspective.
The programme focuses on giving students the knowledge and skills to use social scientific approaches and theory to inform
1) the design of user- centred technology interactions and to
2) understand the effect that design and technology interaction has on people's behaviours, perceptions and emotions encapsulating both at an individual and a societal level.
This programme will use a combination of lectures, seminars and tutorials including self-directed and autonomous learning activities to introduce students to principles, theory, practice and critique, combining approaches from computer science and social sciences. Several modules will also utilise e-learning tools and online content and delivery. A core part of the programme will involve you using these knowledge and skills to conduct a cutting edge research project in the area of HCI.

Choose from:

(opens in a new window)MSc Human Computer Interaction - full-time and part-time options

*All Digital Policy Programmes have online learning options*

With support from Microsoft Ireland, UCD School of Information and Communication studies has established our Digital Policy Programmes with the goal of building digital policy training and capability.

These are designed to offer graduates the opportunity to study some of the core topical, theoretical, and methodological issues that arise in all dimensions of life. We investigate the institutional and public policy dimensions of the prevalence of digital technologies, infrastructures, production, capture, and analysis.
Our programmes also study the underlying social conditions (economic, political, and cultural) that give rise to such technologies and their governance, as well as the multiple public sector and commercial contexts where policy is made and enacted.

In addition to face-to-face environments for our MSc and graduate diploma, we offer online learning options for all programmes.

Choose from:

(opens in a new window)MSc Digital Policy - Full Time and Part Time options W471, Online & face-to-face.

Graduate Diploma Digital Policy Full time and Part Time Options, W508, Online & face-to-face.

Professional Certificate Digital Policy - ONLINE, W569. Starting in September 2023 this course will run online in the autumn terms, Wednesdays 2pm - 4pm.

For further information contact the Programme Director and the Director for (opens in a new window)UCD Centre for Digital Policy Dr Elizabeth Farries (opens in a new window)elizabeth.farries@ucd.ie

MSc/GradDip Digital Policy brochure information leaflet

The MSc in Communication & Media is designed for students who wish to explore a wide range of contemporary issues in media and communication studies in depth. It offers a broad interdisciplinary foundation in theory and practices in relation to communication content and audience reception, processes of mediation and influence, regulation and power, political economy, ethics, digital platforms and human-computer interaction.

What is communication and why are media important? What is the relationship between communication, media and power? How does the content, interface design and choice of technology impact on communication experiences? What can we learn from digital communication history and what is the future for our relationship with media and the world?

Core modules on theory, evaluation and reception of interpersonal and mass communication are combined with optional modules from across the university where students can focus on an area of choice such as Design & Culture, Ethics & Policy and Data Journalism.

Choose from:

(opens in a new window)Msc in Communication & Media – Full Time and Part Time options

What our students say: MSc Communication and Media Testimonials

The MSc in Information Systems incorporates aspects of information technology and data analytics with a firm grounding social science. The programme is interdisciplinary in nature and examines how information is gathered, analysed and communicated along with emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence within the broader context of emerging ethical questions concerning the impact of technology in society. 

The MSc in Information Systems incorporates aspects of information technology and data analytics with a firm grounding social science. The programme is interdisciplinary in nature and examines how information is gathered, analysed and communicated along with emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence within the broader context of emerging ethical questions concerning the impact of technology in society.

Students will learn the core theoretical principles involved in the design, development and deployment of technologies such as artificial intelligence and machine learning and will gain the skills to utilise machine learning and social network analysis to uncover new information from datasets. They will also gain the skills to critically evaluate artificial intelligence and identify issues that pose potential ethical risk to organisations and society. The programme is flexible allowing for a range of specialisations such as human-computer interaction. 

The MSc in Information Systems is designed for both non-technical and technical backgrounds. A central aim of this course is to ensure that all students gain the skills needed to participate in the design and critical evaluation of emerging technologies. 

The programme engages students primarily through lectures, online learning exercises and group work as well as individual assignments

UCD School of Information & Communication Studies is an active member of the iSchools consortium – a global collection of Information Schools dedicated to advancing the information field and sharing a fundamental interest in the relationships between information, people, and technology.

Choose from:

(opens in a new window)MSc Information Systems – Full Time and Part Time options

The Master of Library and Information Studies (MLIS) is designed to prepare university graduates for careers in the library and information profession.

The MLIS programme comprises students of a variety of academic and cultural backgrounds. The programme is ideal for both recent graduates and those seeking a career change. It is also ideal for individuals with advanced academic degrees seeking a professional qualification.

The Master of Library and Information Studies prepares graduates for work in a range of professional settings, including academic, public, and special libraries, as well as information-based roles in commercial, civic, health, and legal organisations. Our programmes instil professional ethics and social responsibility, foster lifelong continuing professional education, and provide opportunities for active engagement with diverse communities. The MLIS is an in person programme, structured to develop core professional competencies, as well as specialised knowledge and skills for librarians and information professionals. While the programme offers a generalist approach to suit multiple interests and aspirations, it is also possible to tailor learning to more specialised areas for particular career paths.  

The MLIS programme comprises students of a variety of academic and cultural backgrounds. The programme is ideal for both recent graduates and those seeking a career change. It is also ideal for individuals with advanced academic degrees seeking a professional qualification.

Choose from:

(opens in a new window)Masters in Library and Information Studies (MLIS) – Full Time and Part Time options  

(opens in a new window)Graduate Diploma in Library & Information Studies – Full Time and Part Time options

Please note if you are primarily interested in archives and records management, we advise you to apply for the MA in Archives and Records Management.

Our Library and Information Studies programmes have prepared generations of graduates for careers as information and library professionals.

QSWUR 2024 Our Library and Information Management is ranked number 27th in the QS World University Rankings 2024.
We are in the top 50 for a fourth year in a row and we are now the highest ranking subject in UCD.

New Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters in Transition, Innovation and; Sustainability Environments (TISE).

This MSc in TISE is a new European program with a focus on sustainable and resilient societal, commercial and communication processes and structures. Students study in 4 European universities over 2 years, spending a semester in UNL (Portugal), UCD, PUEB (Poland) and DUK (Austria).

Further information and details on how to apply here.

UCD School of Information and Communication Studies

Newman Building, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
T: +353 1 716 8360