Our School
A vibrant multi-disciplinary School with a specific focus on Irish and Celtic culture and traditions, and on Irish language, literature and society in a national and international context

About the School
This is a vibrant multi-disciplinary School with a specific focus on Irish and Celtic culture and traditions, and on Irish language, literature and society in a national and international context.
Subjects include Irish, Irish Studies, Folklore, Celtic Civilization including Celtic languages with a focus on Early Irish.
• Modules in Irish cover Irish language, literature, manuscript and print culture and media from 1200AD to present day. The de Bhaldraithe centre of excellence for Irish Language is central to the provision of Advanced Language Skills preparing students for translation, and lawyer-linguist posts in the European Union at undergraduate and postgraduate level.
• Modules in the study of Folklore examine the nature of popular tradition and the way in which it is transmitted, usually outside of official channels and often across vast distances of time and space. The School is linked to the National Folklore Collection Archive.
• Modules on Celtic Civilisation enable students to form an overview of the history, literature, languages, and culture of the Celts with links to other international universities.
• Interdisciplinary modules in Irish Studies ensure excellent insights from Ireland's foremost scholars enhancing the understanding of Ireland in a global context, its Irishness, including its Celtic roots and associations in a historical and contemporary context.