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Learning Resources from the School

  • Cultur@UCD: Recordings of talks and lectures in our School
  • Lexicelt: Interactive Welsh-Irish phrasebook with audio files
  • Interactive map of the Gaeltacht regions
  • Gaeilge365EN#Gaeilge365: A series of 365 videos on etymology, vocabulary and grammar in the Irish language

(opens in a new window)Cultúr@UCD

(opens in a new window)Lexicelt: Welsh-Irish phrasebook with audio

This interactive language learning site was developed by Dr Dewi Evans (UCD) in conjunction with Prifysgol Bangor / Bangor University, Wales, to allow speakers of Irish to learn Welsh and vice versa.

The site contains:

  • a phrasebook divided by theme including audio recordings in the three major Irish dialects (Ulster, Connemara, Munster) and in the two major Welsh dialects (North and South)
  • a searchable dictionary
  • a section on the grammars of the two languages

A screenshot of the Lexicelt website

(opens in a new window)http://www.lexicelt.org/

(opens in a new window)Interactive map of the Gaeltacht (text in Irish)

This interactive map was created by our Educational Technologist Eoin Mc Evoy to display information on the traditional Irish dialects and on the audio-visual learning materials available from the Multi-media Centre of the Teanglann. The map is a work in progress.

(opens in a new window)#Gaeilge365 - Video Series on the Irish Language

The video series #Gaeilge365 was conceived by our School Administrator (Gaeilge), Bairbre Ní Chonchúir, as a celebration of the Irish language for Bliain na Gaeilge [the Year of Irish] 2018 and developed in conjunction with our Educational Technologist Eoin Mc Evoy. The series shares information about the etymology of Irish words, the traditional Irish dialects, Irish grammar and other points of interest. A new video was released every day throughout 2018.

To view the full playlist, click on the menu icon in the top left of the video window.