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Tá sparánachtaí iarchéime ar fáil do mhic léinn de chuid MA/Dioplóma Iarchéime: Scríobh agus Cumarsáid na Gaeilge. Bronnfar na  sparánachtaí seo a leanas go bliantúil, ach an maoiniú a bheith ar fáil.

Cuirfear na  sparánachtaí ar fáil do na faighteoirí cuí nuair a bheidh na faighteoirí lánchláraithe agus rollaithe ar an gclár cuí. Meastar iarratais chuig Stiúrthóir Lárionad de Bhaldraithe/MA: Scríobh agus Cumarsáid, Scoil na Gaeilge, an Léinn Cheiltigh agus an Bhéaloidis, COBÁC, ar bhonn na gcritéar seo a leanas:

  • Torthaí bunchéime;
  • Ráiteas 500 focal ar thuiscint an mhic léinn ar ról na Gaeilge mar theanga phobail agus mar theanga oifigiúil;
  • Toradh ar agallamh (Déanfar na socruithe don agallamh nuair atá áiteanna glactha ag na mic léinn agus tús curtha acu leis an chúrsa).

Beidh na sparánachtaí iníoctha nuair a bheidh an mac léinn cláraithe go hiomlán, agus na táillí íoctha.

International scholarships offered for MA in Irish Studies

The UCD School of Irish, Celtic Studies and Folklore is delighted to announce the availability of a number of scholarships to international (non-EU) students to its one-year taught Masters programme in Irish Studies for 2018/19.

The MA in Irish Studies offers a stimulating interdisciplinary programme which aims to introduce students to the complex processes through which Ireland and Irish identities have been constructed. Designed for students from diverse backgrounds, the programme aims to enhance students’ understanding of Ireland’s culture, identity, history, languages and literatures and the role of the Irish people and Irish society in both a national and global context.

Candidates are invited to apply for UCD Global Excellence Scholarships. Candidates will be selected by a Scholarship Committee on the basis of academic merit and their capacity to contribute to UCD life.

Further details about the programme are available at: (opens in a new window)https://sisweb.ucd.ie/usis/!W_HU_MENU.P_PUBLISH?p_tag=PROG&MAJR=Z195

For further information on the scholarship application or for expressions of interest in the programme please contact MA Programme Director (opens in a new window)dewi.evans@ucd.ie

Bunaíodh an scoláireacht seo, ‘Scoláireacht Mary Kate O’Kelly’, faoi mar a shonraigh Seán T. Ó Ceallaigh, nach maireann. Cuirfear ar fáil í i réimse na Gaeilge nó na Fraincise nuair  is acmhainn don chiste. Tá sé d’aidhm aici tacú le sárchéimithe de chuid UCD agus iad ag tabhairt faoi iarchéim Gaeilge san Ollscoil.

Scoláireachtaí Gaeilge: Glacfar le hiarratais ó shárchéimithe de chuid na hOllscoile

  1. a bhfuil Céad Onóracha bainte amach acu sa Nua-Ghaeilge (Príomhábhar nó Céim Dhá- Phríomhábhar), nó a chomhionann,  agus a bhfuil Dara Onóracha Grád 1 sa chéim ina hiomláine acu, agus é ar intinn acu tabhairt faoi iarchéim (MA sa Nua-Ghaeilge, MLitt nó PhD), nó
  2. a bhfuil Céad Onóracha bainte amach acu san MA nó san MLitt sa Nua-Ghaeilge agus é ar intinn acu tabhairt faoin PhD.

Ag brath ar acmhainn an chiste, d’fhéadfaí scoláireacht bliana a bhronnadh ar mhacléinn MA, agus suas le dhá bhliain ar mhacléinn MLitt nó PhD. Ba chóir d’iarrthóirí iarratas a chur faoi bhráid Cheann na Nua-Ghaeilge, Scoil na Gaeilge, an Léinn Cheiltigh agus an Bhéaloidis faoin 30 Meitheamh, ach an scoláireacht a bheith ar fáil. 

This scholarship, to be known as 'The Mary Kate O'Kelly Scholarship' and established in accordance with the wishes of the late Seán T. Ó Ceallaigh, is available, when funds permit, in the subjects Irish or French and is intended to enable outstanding graduates of University College Dublin to pursue postgraduate studies in the University.  

 Scholarship in Irish: To qualify for the award, the candidate must be an outstanding graduate of the University who has either 

  1.  obtained First Class Honours in Modern Irish  (Major or Joint Major) at BA level or its equivalent, with at least Second Class Honours, Grade 1, in their overall Degree, and intends to proceed to Postgraduate level (MA Nua-Ghaeilge, MLitt, PhD) ;or
  2. obtained  First Class Honours in MA or MLitt in Modern Irish and intends to the proceed to the Degree of PhD.

Subject to the state of the fund, a scholarship for a period of one year may be awarded for the MA Degree, and up to two years for the MLitt or PhD Degrees. Candidates wishing to apply for the scholarship should make application to: The Head of Modern Irish, School of Irish, Celtic Studies and Folklore, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, before 30 June in a year when the scholarship is on offer

Máire MacNéill (1904-1987), daughter of Eoin MacNéill, took her BA in Celtic Studies at University College Dublin in 1923. She joined the staff of the Irish Folklore Commission in 1935 where she worked until 1949. Her book, The Festival of Lughnasa (1962), is a classic in the field of Irish folkloristics.

The Máire MacNéill Scholarship may be awarded annually to qualified students intending to take up postgraduate studies in the subject, Irish Folklore, at University College Dublin or to those already engaged in such studies.

Further details may be had from Michael Wallace : (opens in a new window)michael.j.wallace@ucd.ie.

Bunaíodh an Sparánacht seo i gcuimhne ar shaothar Dhónaill Uí Mhóráin (Iar-Cheannaire Ghael Linn) ag Gael Linn Teoranta agus Muintir Uí Mhóráin. Tá i gceist go gcuirfidh an Sparánacht seo ar chumas mhic léinn iarchéime de chuid an ábhair Béaloideas Éireann taighde a dhéanamh ar ghnéithe den bhéaloideas a bhaineann go sonrach le traidisiún na Gaeilge.

Tá gach eolas faoin Sparánacht le fáil ó Michael Wallace: (opens in a new window)michael.j.wallace@ucd.ie.

This scholarship, established in memory of James H. Delargy, shall be awarded to a person who must be a graduate of the University. It shall be tenable at a recognised Scandinavian university and shall be used for the purpose of pursuing a postgraduate course of study in the subject of folklore.

Further details may be had from the School of Irish, Celtic Studies and Folklore, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4.

Bunaíodh na scoláireachtaí seo de thoradh ciste a d'fhág William Henry Curran le huacht chun staidéar na Nua-Ghaeilge a chur chun cinn.

  1. Tá dhá dhuais le bronnadh in aghaidh na bliana ar na mic léinn is fearr a n-éireoidh leo i scrúdú Staid 1 Ealaíne ar choinníoll go dtógfaidh siad an Nua-Ghaeilge mar ábhar i Staid 2. Ní mór do ghnóthaitheoirí na scoláireachta tréimhse fhada a chaitheamh sa Ghaeltacht, do réir mar a chomhairleoidh Ceann Ábhair na Nua-Ghaeilge.
  2. Tá scoláireacht le bronnadh ar thoradh scrúdú na céime BA sa Nua-Ghaeilge. Beidh ar ghnóthaitheoir na scoláireachta tréimhse fhada a chaitheamh sa Ghaeltacht agus taighde a dhéanamh ann faoi stiúradh Cheann Ábhair na Nua-Ghaeilge agus MA nó MLitt a dhéanamh sa Nua-Ghaeilge.
  3. I gcás nach mbronnfar an scoláireacht BA (Staid 3) tá dhá dhuais le bronnadh ar mhic léinn Staid 2 chun cur ar a gcumas tréimhse fhada a chaitheamh sa Ghaeltacht, do réir mar a chomhairleoidh Ceann Ábhair na Nua-Ghaeilge.

The scholarships were established as a result of a bequest from William Henry Curran to advance the study of Modern Irish

  1. Two prizes are to be awarded each year to the most successful students in Stage 1 Arts exam, on condition that they take Modern Irish as a subject in Stage 2. The recipients of the awards must spend a period of time in the Gaeltacht as advised by the Head of Subject Modern Irish.
  2. A Scholarship  is to be awarded on the results of the BA in Modern Irish. The recipient must spend a period of time in the Gaeltacht and undertake research there under the guidance of Head of Subject Modern Irish, and undertake an MA or MLitt in Modern Irish.
  3. In the case that the BA scholarship (Stage 3) is not awarded, two prizes are to be awarded to Stage 2 students to enable them to spend a period of time in the Gaeltacht, as advised by Head of Subject Modern Irish.

Bronnfar Bonn ‘Uan Uladh’ ar an saothar cruthaitheach is fearr (filíocht, gearrscéal, léirmheas, aiste) a sholáthróidh iarrthóir ó Staid 2 nó 3 i ndisciplín na Nua-Ghaeilge.

Osborn Joseph Bergin (1873-1950), Professor of Early and Medieval Irish at University College Dublin from 1909 to 1940, is remembered as 'the prince of native Irish scholars'. His renown, which was worldwide, drew scholars and students to his lectures from all parts. Professor Vernam Hull of Harvard University, who studied with Bergin, endowed this prize in his memory.

On occasion, on the recommendation of the School of Irish, Celtic Studies and Folklore this prize may be awarded to a student for the purpose of postgraduate research. Further details may be had from the School Administrator, School of Irish, Celtic Studies and Folklore, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4.

The Mary E. Byrne Medal is awarded for excellence in Early Irish.

Mary Elizabeth Byrne (1881-1931), a student at University College Dublin, was a distinguished graduate of the Royal University and became an Early Irish scholar of note. The friends of Mary Byrne established a fund in her memory whereby a medal is awarded for excellence in Early Irish.

Further details may be had from the School Administrator, School of Irish, Celtic Studies and Folklore, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4.