How can we help you?
Your research project has goals that you want to deliver.
These goals could range from high-level fundamentals such as better understanding important natural phenomenon, for instance underlying photosynthesis, cancer induction, group behaviours or climate change.
Depending on your field of expertise and the type of research you carry out, the commercial potential of your research output may take different forms (products, platform technologies, service provision, licensing to existing companies, the establishment of a start-up company) and may have very short to very long windows of opportunity. In all cases successful commercialisation revolves around meeting an unmet need. The larger, more urgent and more intractable the unmet need is then it generally follows that there will be larger commercial potential.
Understanding and communicating the position of your research in its broad context and potential impact is the key first step on the commercialisation journey.
This typically draws upon your experience and excellence in your academic environment and also draws upon what is happening in the commercial world.
Joining the dots across these spaces is crucial and leveraging the support of the Knowledge Transfer team is an important first step.
Innovation Clinics take place each week from 3pm – 4pm in a different building on campus each week. These are drop-in clinics for researchers, staff or students, who would like to have an informal chat about any ideas that they have for commercialisation, inventions, or startup business ideas. No appointment is required, just find out where the nearest clinic to you is taking place, and drop in between 3pm & 4pm.
Innovation Clinics are run by Caroline Gill, Innovation Education Manager at NovaUCD. For further info, please email or call 716 3715.