Equal1 Signs Agreement with NVIDIA to Collaborate on Furthering Quantum Computing

NVIDIA and Equal1 sign MoU IN Silicon Valley, California, Full caption to the left.

Equal1 Signs Agreement with NVIDIA to Collaborate on Furthering Quantum Computing

- Memorandum of Understanding signed to collaborate on quantum technology use cases, business models and proof of concept

NVIDIA has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Equal1, a University College Dublin (UCD) spin-out company and a leader in silicon powered quantum computing, to collaboratively work together on furthering Quantum Computing.

NVIDIA and Equal1 have agreed to collaborate on quantum technology use cases, business models and proof of concept, with a particular focus on the integration and validation of quantum-classical infrastructure for cloud and data centre deployments.

Caption: Pictured (l-r) at NVIDIA's headquarters in Silicon Valley are, Pauline Mulligan, Assistant Secretary, Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment, Leo Clancy, CEO, Enterprise Ireland, Jason Lynch, CEO, Equal 1, Peter Burke TD, Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment, Sam Stanwyck, Director of Quantum, NVIDIA and Shilpa Kolhatkar, Global Head AI Nations, NVIDIA.

This collaboration combines Equal1’s world-leading hybrid silicon classical quantum hardware, and its UnityQ quantum system on chip with NVIDIA’s CUDA-Q quantum software platform to pioneer the future of quantum computing

“We see NVIDIA CUDA-Q as a leading hybrid quantum classical software platform, and we are delighted to collaborate with NVIDIA as we extend our support for and integration with CUDA-Q,” said Jason Lynch, CEO, Equal1. 

“We are particularly excited about the opportunity this presents to work with joint customers who see the potential of hybrid quantum classical silicon compute to deliver scalable quantum computing.”

The MoU collaboration was announced at NVIDIA’s headquarters in Silicon Valley as part of an Enterprise Ireland trade mission to the West Coast of the USA, led by Peter Burke TD, Minister for  Enterprise, Trade and Employment

Leo Clancy, CEO, Enterprise Ireland said, “Equal1 is a pioneering company that is revolutionising industries with its cutting-edge quantum computing technology. Enterprise Ireland has supported Equal1 from the start of their journey and I was delighted to witness this very significant milestone today. This collaborative agreement between NVIDIA and Equal1 has the potential to unlock major technological advances.”

Equal1 was founded by Dirk Leipold, Mike Asker and Professor R. Bogdan Staszewski as a spin-out from the UCD School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering.

At the forefront of driving advancements in the field of quantum and shaping the future of computing, the company’s world-class team, with offices at NexusUCD in Dublin, and in US, Canada, Romania, and the Netherlands, combines quantum expertise with a proven track record of commercialising successful silicon products.

Equal1 is supported by funding from Atlantic Bridge, Matterwave Ventures, Enterprise Ireland, European Innovation Council and 808 Ventures.


27 September 2024

For further information contact Micéal Whelan, Communications and Media Relations Manager, UCD Research and Innovation, e: miceal.whelan@ucd.ie or Stephen Mangan, Beachhut PR, e: stephen@beachhutpr.com

Editors Notes

Equal1 is a global leader in silicon-powered quantum computing technology. Its UnityQ, the world’s first hybrid quantum-classical silicon-on-chip (QSoC), integrates all quantum components to deliver unparalleled performance and efficiency in a compact rack-mounted quantum server. By consolidating the entire quantum computing system onto a single chip, Equal1 significantly reduces the size and cost of quantum computers, transforming their performance and scalability. This innovation opens up a world of possibilities across various sectors, including pharmaceuticals, finance, materials science, and more. www.equal1.com.