Farm Fayre Launches New "Calf Market Hub" for the Sale of Dairy to Beef Calves
- Platform addresses key issues of sustainability, convenience and animal welfare in the agricultural sector
Farm Fayre, a pioneering Agtech company headquartered in Co. Kilkenny, has today announced the launch of its innovative Dairy to Beef "Calf Market Hub".
Around 1.5 million dairy calves are born each year on Irish farms and Farm Fayre's new platform offers a direct farmer-to-farmer, field-to-field solution, for the sale of dairy to beef calves, addressing key issues of sustainability, convenience, and animal welfare in the agricultural sector.
As the Irish dairy sector's recent emphasis on expanding cow numbers and milk output appears to be easing, farmers are now shifting focus towards maximising the potential of their existing herds.
Farm Fayre’s new Calf Market Hub offers dairy farmers a reliable and secure marketplace to find consistent buyers for their beef-suited calves. This will not only lead to financial rewards for the additional efforts and risks taken in producing quality, beef-focused calves but also stabilises the market for new entrants looking to venture into calf rearing.
The Farm Fayre platform is designed to reduce attrition rates among new calf rearers by partnering with industry leading experts. This collaboration aims to provide support in minimising risks, maximising returns, and establishing secure supply chains.
Kevin O'Connor, CEO, Farm Fayre, said, “The lack of a stable marketplace has been a significant barrier, as highlighted by the experience of one such early adopter who faced supply issues due to his main calf supplier being locked up with TB. Farm Fayre addresses this challenge by aggregating high-quality sellers, ensuring buyers can purchase with confidence, knowing the calves meet the specified standards or they receive a full refund.”
Quality assurance is a cornerstone of the Farm Fayre ethos. Sellers on the platform must self-certify that calves are at least 21 days old, have received adequate colostrum at birth, and come from herds with the highest disease and biosecurity control standards. Additionally, Farm Fayre leverages data from the national genome testing scheme, including Commercial Beef Value (CBV), to provide buyers with further confidence in their purchases.
O'Connor, added, "Our members appreciate the ability to 'buy' sellers, not just cattle. This significantly lowers the risk profile when purchasing calves, ensuring buyers can return to trusted farmers repeatedly. Farm Fayre's mission is to decentralise cattle trade, placing control back in the hands of farmers and revitalising the traditional market square concept with a modern twist.”
He concluded, “Farm Fayre's promise is simple yet powerful, the seller gets paid, and the buyer gets what they were promised, or their money back. This commitment to safety, convenience, sustainability, and transparency positions Farm Fayre as a revolutionary force in Irish livestock sales, embodying the spirit of innovation and tradition.
As Farm Fayre continues to grow, we invite all stakeholders in the Irish agricultural sector to join our platform, promising a more efficient, secure, and transparent marketplace for dairy to beef calf transactions. With Farm Fayre, the future of Irish agriculture looks brighter and more sustainable than ever.”
Last year Farm Fayre completed the second annual AgTechUCD Agccelerator Programme held at UCD Lyons Farm in Co. Kildare.
For more information about Farm Fayre and its Dairy to Beef "Calf Market Hub," visit www.farmfayre.com.
12 March 2024
For further information contact Micéal Whelan, Communications and Media Relations Manager, UCD Research and Innovation, e: miceal.whelan@ucd.ie or Kevin O’Connor, CEO, Farm Fayre, e: kevin@farmfayre.com.
Editors Notes
Farm Fayre is an innovative Agtech company revolutionising the livestock sales ecosystem with a focus on peer-to-peer, field-to-field transactions. Founded on principles of safety, convenience, sustainability, and transparency, Farm Fayre is dedicated to empowering farmers through technology, offering a secure and efficient platform for buying and selling livestock. www.farmfayre.com