Webinar: Intellectual Property and the Digital Economy
According to recent data from the European Patent Office at least one third of all inventions are digital in nature. Therefore it is becoming increasingly important to learn how to patent these kinds of digital inventions and to develop appropriate business models based on use cases, user and customer journeys to apps.
In particular, SMEs and start-ups can increase their competitiveness with digital IP and its associated business models.
NovaUCD is hosting a webinar entitled Intellectual Property and the Digital Economy during which the best practice from the European industry will be presented by Prof. Dr. Alexander Wurzer, Professor of IP Management at the Centre for International Intellectual Property Studies (CEIPI) at the University of Strasbourg.
During the webinar a case study entitled LUQEL – the digitization of water will be discussed.
The webinar is taking place as follows
Date: Friday 5 June 2020
Time: 1 pm – 4 pm (local time)
Zoom registration to attend: https://ucd-ie.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJIkdO6trzgjGtQTRtz4eXlZtiBOpcPDPTVt
Attendees are asked to review the LUQEL case study in advance of the event.