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Can Education Change Society? with Professor Michael Apple; 6pm Monday May 22nd 2017

Can Education Change Society? with Professor Michael Apple; 6pm Monday May 22nd 2017

The IRC Equality Research Project and the UCD School of Education

invite you to a public lecture

The event marks the 50thAnniversary of Free Second-Level Education in Ireland



Professor Michael Apple 

University of Wisconsin, Madison

Michael W. Apple is the John Bascom Professor of Curriculum and Instruction and Educational Policy Studies at the University of Wisconsin, Madison.  His lecture is based on his most recent bookCan Education Change Society(Routledge, 2013) which has been translated into Chinese and Korean (2014) and is now being translated into Portugese and Turkish.

6pm Monday May 22nd2017

Room NT1 (Newman Theatre 1)

UCD Newman Building

Michael Apple is one of the foremost educators in the world and is listed as one of the 50 most influential writers in education in the 20th Century. He holds a Lifetime Achievement Award from the American Educational Research Association. His books have won numerous accolades and have been translated into several languages:  Official Knowledge (1993) was selected as one of the most important books of the 20th century in the social sciences by the International Sociological Association; Educating the “Right” Way: Markets, Standards, God and Inequality (2001) was awarded Critics Choice Award by the American Educational Studies Association and the Outstanding Book Award by the American Educational Research Association.

Michael has held Distinguished Professorships at the University of London, University of Manchester and Northeast Normal University in China.  A former elementary and secondary school teacher and past-president of a Teachers’ Union, he has worked with educational systems, governments, universities, unions, and activist and dissident groups throughout the world to democratize educational research, policy, and practice.

This is a free, ticketed event. Please reserve a ticket online at: https://ircequalitypublictalk.eventbrite.ie

IRC Equality

University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
T: +353 1 716 7777