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  • Keynote speeches

Kathleen Lynch (2016) “Why Affective Equality matters for Social Justice in Education: Care, Education and Resistance”  (opens in a new window)Conference Care and Carers in Education: Performing, imagining and resisting, September 5th  2016, University of Roehampton, London, UK

Kathleen Lynch (2016) “New Subjectivities: Auditing and the Creation of a Care-less Culture in Education and Society” (opens in a new window)European Educational Research Association Conference (EERA)/ECER Dublin: UCD August 22nd – 26th 2016, Keynote address Sociology of Education Network 28 

Kathleen Lynch (2015) “There is no view from Nowhere’, Ideology, Social Justice and Teacher Education”, 13th annual SCoTENs conference(opens in a new window)Teacher Education for Social Justice’(opens in a new window) , Strand Hotel, Limerick, 15th-16th October 2015

Kathleen Lynch (2015) ‘Care, Gender and Justice: Affective Inequality and Contributive Justice’ Keynote address to the(opens in a new window)Social Care and Social Policy Conference: Seeking Social Justice in an Era of Austerity and Beyond,Dublin Institute of Technology(DIT) February 13th, 2015

Kathleen Lynch (2015) ‘New Managerialism: Challenges for social Justice, Equality and Care in Education’ Keynote address to theNational Polish Education Conference, Qualityof education and/or quality of evaluation. How to build a good school?   Jagiellonian University, Krakow (Zakopane) Poland, March 28-31st, 2015

Kathleen Lynch (2015) ‘Academic Freedom and Research:  Challenges of Commercialisation and New Managerialism’  Keynote address to the(opens in a new window)Educational Studies Association of Ireland (ESAI) 40thAnniversary conference, Carton House,Kildare, April, 9-11th, 2015

Kathleen Lynch (2014) ‘Equality: A Framework for Conceptualising and Imagining a more Egalitarian Society’, invited Inaugural address for the opening of the(opens in a new window)Melbourne Social Equity Institute – Imagining Social Equity Conference,Melbourne, February 28th– March 1st, 2014

  • Invited talks and papers

Kathleen Lynch (2016) “Equality and Solidarity: Challenges for Europe” (opens in a new window)European Forum Alpbach 2016(opens in a new window)Session: Liberté – Égalité – Solidarité: Changing Value Systems in the 21st Century, Political Symposium, August 28-30th 2016, Aplbach, Austria

Mariya Ivancheva, Kathleen Lynch, (2016) Academic Freedom and the Commercialisation of the Universities: a critical ethical analysis, at(opens in a new window)Third Critical European Studies conference,University of Greenwich, London, June 2016

Kathleen Lynch (2015) ‘On the Market: the egalitarian implications of commercialisation in higher education’, paper delivered at conference of the Leverhulme funded project (opens in a new window)Framing Financial Crisis and Protest: North-West and South-East Europe, University of Limerick, November 24, 2015

Mariya Ivancheva & Kathryn Keating (2015) ‘Precarious Employment in Higher Education’, paper delivered at conference of the Leverhulme funded project (opens in a new window)Framing Financial Crisis and Protest: North-West and South-East Europe, University of Limerick, November 24, 2015

Micheal O’Flynn & Aggelos Panayiotopolous (2015) ‘Activism in Education (or) Education in Activism’, paper delivered at conference of the Leverhulme funded project (opens in a new window)Framing Financial Crisis and Protest: North-West and South-East Europe, University of Limerick, November 25, 2015

Kathleen Lynch (2015) ‘Austerity, Charity and Consensualism: Ideologies and the Legitimation of injustice’ invited paper for the(opens in a new window)Economy and Society Summer School,Waterford Institute of Technology and University College Cork, Blackwater Castle Cork, May 11-15th , 2015

Kathleen Lynch (2015) ‘Affective Inequality: Care, Love, Solidarity and Gender Justice’ invited paper to the(opens in a new window)National Women’s Council and Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission Beijing +20 ConferenceDublin Castle, February 20th, 2015

Mariya Ivancheva, (2015) ““The Spirit of the Law”: Mobilizing and/or Professionalizing the Women’s Movement in Post-socialist Bulgaria”, seminar(opens in a new window)Gender and Transformation in Europe, New York University, November 13th, 2015

Mariya Ivancheva (2015) ‘Between Permanent Revolution and Permanent Liminality: Continuity and Rupture in the Venezuela Higher Education Reform’,(opens in a new window)Anthropology Seminar, Maynooth University, November 5th, 2015

Kathleen Lynch, Sara Cantillon and Margaret Crean (2015) ‘Austerity, Inequality and the Legitimation of Injustice’ invited paper presented to theAusterity: the Irish Experience Symposium, UCDSmurfit Graduate Business School in association with the Geary Institute,Dublin, June 19th, 2015

Mariya Ivancheva with Ilya Budraitskis (2015)  “The ‘incorrect’ revolutions: where is the post-2011 protest wave going?”, Koc University, Istanbul, March 2015

Mariya Ivancheva (2015) “(opens in a new window)From Informal to Illegal: Roma housing in (post-)socialist Bulgaria“, Center for Advanced Study, Sofia, April 2015

Kathleen Lynch (2014) ‘The Tyranny of numbers: representing care, gender, class and equality in higher education’ invited paper forthe University of Melbourne Symposium on ‘(opens in a new window)Representation, representativeness and equality in higher education,Melbourne, March 3rd, 2014

Kathleen Lynch (2014) ‘The Role of University as a Site of Resistance to Inequality: facing up to the challenges’,  invited paper(opens in a new window)Critical  Pedagogy in the Irish University Symposium, University of Limerick, June 16th, 2014

Kathleen Lynch (2014) ‘Carelessness as an organisational code: affective equality as a fourth dimension of social justice’(opens in a new window)Gender Work and Organisation International Conference (GWO),University of Keele, June 24th-26th, 2014

Kathleen Lynch (2014) ‘The Care-Less State of Ireland: the problem of normalising inequality’ invited paperEmbracing Peace Together’ Louth Peace NetworkSeminar, Dundalk, Co. Louth, September 22nd, 2014

Kathleen Lynch (2014) ‘Equality – Ways of Seeing and Framing Social Justice issues’ invited paper to the(opens in a new window)AIIHPC/PCRN symposium on Palliative Care,Dublin, October 14th, 2014

Kathleen Lynch (2014) ‘The Care-Less State of Ireland:  why we need radical egalitarian thinking – a challenge to the Charity model of justice in Ireland’, invited paper, to the(opens in a new window)Seminar – Territory, Encounter and Negotiation – Collaborative Practice in a Youth Work Context,National College of Art and Design (NCAD) Harry Clarke Theatre, Dublin,  November 5th, 2014

Kathleen Lynch (2014) ‘The Charity model of justice:  why it perpetuates inequality’ invited paper to the(opens in a new window)IDEC(opens in a new window)and Ennis Women’s Network, Diversity: Creating Community Well-being:  International Human Rights Dayconference,Ennis, Co. Clare, December 10th, 2014

  • Round table/ Plenary speeches

Mariya Ivancheva, (2016) Discomfort with TTIP in the ‘new’ Europe of the former socialist bloc,(opens in a new window)Deciphering TTIP: a Colloquium, Trinity College Dublin, March 2016

Mariya Ivancheva (2015) Roundtable:(opens in a new window)What should be the model for higher education reform in Ukraine?, Kyiv Poly-technical University

Mariya Ivancheva (2014)(opens in a new window)Dublin Marxism Festival, Round-table “Travellers rights, Roma rights”, November 2014

Mariya Ivancheva (2014)(opens in a new window)Warsaw ConferenceCrisis and resistance in Eastern and Central Europe, Plenary Speaker, November 2014

Mariya Ivancheva (2014) Invited Roundtable Speaker, “Theory and discourse in post-socialism”,  (opens in a new window)20 years of SOYUZ network, Annual Meeting, American Anthropological Association, Washington DC, December 2014

  • Conference presentations

Mariya Ivancheva, Kathleen Lynch, Kathryn Keating (2016) (opens in a new window)Precarity, Gender, and Care: A View from the Neoliberal Academy, Third ISA Forum of Sociology, Vienna, July 2016

Mariya Ivancheva, Stefan Krastev, (2016) Eyes Wide Shut: the role of the state in squatting in Sofia and Caracas,(opens in a new window)WorkshopSquatting in East and West of Europe, UCL London June 2016

Mariya Ivancheva, Kathryn Keating, (2016) The Paradox of Precarity: life, work, and care in the era of flexible capitalism (opens in a new window)Workshop: Precarity or Flexibility? Changing Realities of Labour in the New Europe, Re:Work Institute, Berlin May 2016

Mariya Ivancheva, Micheal O’Flynn, (2016) ‘Between Career Progression and Career Stagnation: Casualisation, Tenure, and the Contract of Indefinite Duration in Ireland’,(opens in a new window)Caring Cultures/Cultures of Care,Anthropological Association of Irelandconference, Maynooth, March 2016

Kathleen Lynch, Bernie Grummel, Mariya Ivancheva (2015) “Academic Freedom and the Role of Critical Social Sciencesin Ireland:Commercialization, Class, Gender, and Colonialization”,(opens in a new window)Garret Fitzgerald Autumn University, UCD,October2015

Mariya Ivancheva (2015), “Old divisions, new inequalities: working, learning, and caring on the neoliberal academy”,(opens in a new window)Conference ‘Flexibility and precarity on the neoliberal university: gendered and grassroots perspectives’,European University Institute, Florence, May 2015

Mariya Ivancheva (2015) “The spirit of the law: mobilizing and/or professionalizing the women’s movement in Bulgaria”,(opens in a new window)European Conference on Politics and Gender, Uppsala, June 2015,

Kathleen Lynch and Mariya Ivancheva (2015) “Academic Freedom and the Commercialization of the Universities”,Sociological Association of Ireland, Annual Meeting,Dublin, June 2015

Micháel O’Flynn, with Lee Monaghan (2014). (opens in a new window)Scapegoating During a Time of Crisis: A Critique of Post ‘Celtic Tiger’ Ireland, Conference of the School of Applied Social Studies, University College Cork, March 28th, 2014

Mariya Ivancheva (2014) “From informal to illegal: Roma housing in (post)socialist Bulgaria,(opens in a new window)Social Anthropology Conference,Cluj, November 2014

Mariya Ivancheva (2014), “The Age of Precarity and New Challenges to the Academic Profession”,(opens in a new window)American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting,Washington, DC, December 2014

IRC Equality

University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
T: +353 1 716 7777