About the Irish Seal Sanctuary

The Irish Seal Sanctuary

For over thirty years, the Irish Seal Sanctuary was at the forefront of wildlife rehabilitation, both nationally and internationally. As pioneers and practitioners of the 3Rs (Rescue, Rehabilitation, Release), its volunteers served in the role of planetary healers, bridging gaps evolved over time between humanity and environment. The organisation pioneered Ireland’s first successful wildlife rescue and rehabilitation service for seals and further services across species. They have trained hundreds of animal handlers, responders and guardians, as well as developing links with academia, state agencies and the wider community. In this time, they have provided a half-way house for wildlife in distress, most especially grey seals, the world’s first protected wild species. The ISS has reared and nursed over 1,000 seals and other wildlife since its founding and its success is owed to the loyal supporters over the years.

For ageing founders of the ISS, many buried along the road this far travelled and entering realms of folklore themselves, the role of the ISS evolved to identifying and supporting another generation of wildlife handlers and advocates in protection of seals and marine environment. They did this through ever-improving practice and procedure, expanding the boundaries of the ISS, in the minds and hearts of people. Much of the time and resources of the ISS are now spent in support of an oncoming generation of planetary healers. To learn more about the Irish Seal Sanctuary, visit their website: www.irishsealsanctuary.org 


Tearmann na Rónta in Éirinn

Ar feadh breis is 30 bliain, bhí Tearmann na Rónta in Éirinn go mór chun tosaigh in athshlánú fiadhúlra ar leibhéal naisiúnta agus idirnáisiúnta. Ceannródaithe a bhí in oibrithe deonacha an Tearmainn, agus iad ina lucht leighis plainéadach, ag iarraidh an bearna a d‘fhorbair thar na blianta idir daoine agus a dtimpeallacht a chrapadh. D’oscail an eagraíocht an chéad seirbhís rathúil tarrthála agus athshlánaithe do rónta, le seirbhísí sa bhreis ar fail do speiceas eile. Chuir siad treanáill ar na céadta láimhseálaithe, freagróirí agus caomhnóirí ainmhithe, chomh maith le nascanna a fhorbairt leis an acadúlacht, eagraíochtaí stáit agus an pobal i gcoitinne. San am am seo, chuir siad teach leath bealaigh d’ainmhithe san aopach, go háirithe an rón glas, an chéad speiceas fiáin ar domhan le cosaint dhleathúil. Thug Tearmann na Ronta aire do bhreis is 1,000 rón agus fiadhúlra eile ó bunaíodh é, a bhuí leis an tacaíocht dhílis a bhí acu thar na blianta.

Agus lucht bunaithe an Tearmainn ag dul in aois, tháinig athrú ar aidhm an Tearmainn go aithint agus tacaíochta a chur ar fáil do ghlúin nua láimhseálaithe fiadhúlra agus urlabhraí ar son chosaint do rónta agus don timpeallacht mhuirí. Rinne siad é seo trí forbairt leanúnach a dhéanamh ar chleachtais agus cur chuige, le teorainneacha thearmann na Rónta a fhorbairt in aigní agus croíthe na ndaoine. Téann am agus acmhainní na heagraíochta anois ar thacú leis an nglúin nua leighis. Le tuilleadh a fhoghlaim faoi Thearmann na Rónta in Éirinn, tabhair cuairt ar a suíomh idirlíon anseo: www.irishsealsanctuary.org