Irish Social Science Data Archive
The table below is a complete list of the datasets ISSDA currently holds.
Study Number
Study |
Datasets |
Data Provider |
Availability |
Purpose |
Formats |
0001-00 |
Adapting to Diversity: Irish Schools and newcomer students |
2009 |
ESRI and Department of Education |
Apply to ISSDA |
Research |
0002-00 |
Attitudes to older people in Ireland |
2003 2008 |
Download |
Research Teaching |
0003-00 |
All Ireland Traveller Health Survey (AITHS) |
2007 |
School of Public Health & Population Science, University College Dublin |
Apply to ISSDA |
Research Teaching |
0077-00 |
Benefacts |
2022 |
Benefacts CLG |
Download |
Research Teaching |
Excel |
0004-00 |
CDI: Community Safety |
2010 2011 |
Childhood Development Initiative (Tallaght West) and UNESCO Child and Family Research Centre, School of Political Science and Sociology, National University of Ireland, Galway |
Apply to ISSDA |
Research Teaching |
0083-00 |
CDI: Doodle Den |
2008-2011 |
Childhood Development Initiative (Tallaght West) and Centre for Effective Education, School of Education, Queen’s University Belfast |
Apply to ISSDA |
Research |
0057-00 |
CDI: Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE), 2008 – 2011 |
2008 – 2011 |
Childhood Development Initiative (Tallaght West) |
Apply to ISSDA |
Research Teaching |
0005-00 |
CDI: Mate-Tricks |
2012 |
Childhood Development Initiative (Tallaght West) and Queen's University, Belfast |
Apply to ISSDA |
Research Teaching |
0006-00 |
CDI: Process Evaluation |
2008-2012 |
Childhood Development Initiative (Tallaght West) and UNESCO Child and Family Research Centre, School of Political Science and Sociology, National University of Ireland, Galway |
Apply to ISSDA |
Research Teaching |
0007-00 0008-00 0009-00 |
Census of Population |
Apply to ISSDA |
Research Teaching |
0056-00 |
Children’s Profile at School Entry (CPSE) collection, 2008 – 2015 |
2008 – 2015 |
Northside Partnership; UCD Geary Institute |
Apply to ISSDA |
Research |
0010-00 |
The Children’s Sport Participation and Physical Activity Study (CSPPA) |
2009 2018 2022 |
University of Limerick, Dublin City University, University College Cork, Ulster University |
Apply to ISSDA |
Research Teaching |
0081-00 |
Choice experiment examining healthcare priotization under financial constraints for people with one or more chronic health condition |
2021/22 |
Apply to ISSDA |
Research Teaching |
Excel |
0011-00 |
CoHeart |
2000/1 |
Health Research Board |
Apply to ISSDA |
Research |
0012-00 0013-00 |
Commission for Energy Regulation |
Electricity Smart Meter Gas Smart Meter |
Commission for Energy Regulation |
Apply to ISSDA |
Research Teaching |
N/A |
Cross National Comparative Data |
Various |
Various |
0069-00 |
CUPID COVID-19 Survey |
2021 |
Therese McDonnell, Emma Nicholson and Ciara Conlon, UCD IRIS Centre |
Apply to ISSDA |
Research Teaching |
SPSS Stata |
0064-00 |
Eager and Able to Learn (EAL) BAseline Survey, 2008-2009 |
2008 |
QUB and Athlantic Philanthropies |
Apply to ISSDA |
Research Teaching |
0014-00 |
EU Referendums |
Lisbon 2008 2009 |
Department of Foreign Affairs |
Download |
Research Teaching |
0015-01 - 0015-21 |
EU Survey of Income and Living Conditions (EU-SILC) |
2003-2023 2010 Module on Intra-household Finances 2011 Module on Intergenerational Poverty |
Central Statistics Office (CSO) |
Apply to ISSDA |
Research Teaching |
0018-00 |
Eurostudent |
Round III Round VIII |
Apply to ISSDA |
Research Teaching |
Stata (III) |
0062-00 |
Functional Family Therapy in an Irish Context |
2018 |
Professor Alan Carr, Dan Hartnett and Clare Graham from the School of Psychology at University College Dublin |
Apply to ISSDA |
Research Teaching |
N/A |
Funded Project Data |
Various |
Various |
Download |
Growing Up in Ireland (GUI), Infant Cohort |
Department of Children and Youth Affairs, Department of Social Protection, CSO, ESRI and TCD |
Apply to ISSDA |
Research Teaching |
SPSS SAS Stata |
0020-00 |
Growing Up in Ireland (GUI), Child Cohort |
Department of Children and Youth Affairs, Department of Social Protection, CSO, ESRI and TCD |
Apply to ISSDA |
Research Teaching |
SPSS SAS Stata |
0075-00 |
Growing Up in Ireland - COVID-19 Web Survey |
2020 |
Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth (DCEDIY), CSO, ESRI and TCD |
Apply to ISSDA |
Research Teaching |
SPSS SAS Stata |
0021-00 |
Healthy Ireland |
2015 2019 2021 2022 2023
Department of Health |
Apply to ISSDA |
Research Teaching (2023) |
SAS, Stata (2015) SPSS (2016-2019) CSV, SAS, SPSS (2021) CSV, SAS, SPSS, STATA (2022-2023) |
0022-00 |
Household Budget Survey (HBS) |
1987 1999-2000 2004-2005 2009-2010 2015-2016 |
Apply to ISSDA |
Research Teaching |
SPSS, Stata, SAS, CSV (1987, 1994/95, 1999/2000) |
0072-00 |
Housing experience, attitudes and aspirations of Irish Households |
2018 2019 |
The Housing Agency |
Apply to ISSDA |
Research Teaching |
SPSS Stata |
0023-00 |
Insight '07 |
2007 |
HSE and the School of Public Health Physiotheraphy and Population Science, University College Dublin. |
Apply to ISSDA |
Research |
0073-00 |
2010-2011 2014 2016-2017 2019-2020 |
The Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing (TILDA) and Trinity College Dublin. |
Apply to ISSDA |
Research |
0060-00 |
Irish EQ-5D-5L Survey |
2015-2016 |
Health Research Board and Centre for Public Health, Queens University Belfast |
Apply to ISSDA |
Research Teaching |
Stata |
0082-00 |
Irish Health Survey |
2015-2019 |
Apply to ISSDA |
Research Teaching |
0025-00 |
Irish National Election Study (INES) |
2002-2007 |
Download |
Research Teaching |
SPSS Stata |
0027-00 |
Irish National Survey of Housing Quality (NSHQ) |
2001/02 |
Department of the Environment and ESRI |
Apply to ISSDA |
Research |
0026-00 |
Irish National Time Use Survey |
2005 |
ESRI and NDP Gender Equality Unit of the Department of Justice, Equality, and Law Reform |
Apply to ISSDA |
Research |
0028-00 |
Irish Social and Political Attitudes Survey (ISPAS) |
2001 |
Apply to ISSDA |
Research |
0050-00 |
Irish Sports Monitor |
2011 |
Sport Ireland |
Apply to ISSDA |
Research Teaching |
0024-00 |
Irish Study of Sexual Health and Relationships (ISSHR)
2006 |
ESRI, HSE Crisis Pregnancy Programme |
Apply to ISSDA |
Research Teaching |
SPSS Stata |
0029-00 |
Irish Survey of Contraception and Crisis Pregnancy (ICCP)
2004 2010 |
ESRI, HSE Crisis Pregnancy Programme |
Apply to ISSDA |
Research |
0030-00 |
Irish Survey of Student Engagement (ISSE) |
2014 2022 2023 |
HEA and The Irish Survey of Student Engagement |
Apply to ISSDA |
Research Teaching |
SPSS (2014-2022)
CSV (2023) |
0061-00 |
Labour Force Survey |
Q1 1998 - Q3 2024 |
Central Statistics Office (CSO) |
Apply to ISSDA |
Research Teaching |
0070-00 |
Lived Lives |
2020 |
Prof Kevin M. Malone, University College Dublin, and Dr Seamus McGuinness, GMIT Galway. |
Apply to ISSDA |
Research |
Excel |
0031-00 |
Living in Ireland (LII)
1994-2001 |
ESRI, European Community Household Panel (ECHP) |
Apply to ISSDA |
Research |
0032-00 |
National Psychological Wellbeing and Distress Survey
2006 2008 |
ESRI and HRB |
Apply to ISSDA |
Research |
0076-00 |
National Survey of Children, their Parents and Adults regarding Online Safety (NSCPAOS) |
2020 |
Department of Tourism Culture Arts Gaeltacht Sport and Media |
Apply to ISSDA |
Research |
0048-00 |
National Survey of Public Attitudes to Disability in Ireland |
2006 2011 2017 |
National Disability Authority (NDA) |
Apply to ISSDA |
Research |
0045-00 |
National Travel Survey (NTS) |
2009 |
CSO and the Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport |
Apply to ISSDA |
Research Teaching |
SPSS, Stata, SAS and CSV |
0033-00 |
NCPP Surveys of Employee Attitudes |
2003 2009 |
NCPP, ESRI and Amarach Research |
Apply to ISSDA |
Research |
0059-00 0058-00 |
Opinion Poll Data |
Taylor Nelson Sofres MRBI
Apply to ISSDA |
Research |
0079-00 |
Parents’ information needs in relation to adolescent self-harm, 2022 |
2022 |
Professor Eilis Hennessy, Aine French, Niki Nearchou and Keith Gaynor, UCD School of Psychology |
Apply to ISSDA |
Research |
0071-00 |
Planet Youth |
2018 |
Apply to ISSDA |
Research Teaching |
SPSS Excel |
0055-00 |
Preparing for Life collection (PFL), 2008 - 2015 |
2008-2015 |
Northside Partnership; UCD Geary Institute |
Apply to ISSDA |
Research |
SPSS Stata |
0035-00 |
QNHS Special Module: Pensions data |
Q1-2002, 2005-2008, Q4-2009 |
Apply to ISSDA |
Research Teaching |
Various |
0036-00 |
QNHS Special Module: Disability data |
Q2-2002 |
Apply to ISSDA |
Research Teaching |
Various |
0037-00 |
QNHS Special Module: Voter Participation/Abstention data |
Q3-2002 |
Apply to ISSDA |
Research Teaching |
Various |
0038-00 |
QNHS Special Module: Lifelong learning data |
Q2-2003 |
Apply to ISSDA |
Research Teaching |
Various |
0039-00 |
QNHS Special Module: Work organisation and working time data |
Q2-2004 |
Apply to ISSDA |
Research Teaching |
Various |
0040-00 |
QNHS Special Module: Crime and victimisation |
Q4-1998, Q4-2003 |
Apply to ISSDA |
Research Teaching |
Various |
0041-00 |
QNHS Special Module: Health data |
Q3-2001, Q3-2007, Q3-2010 |
Apply to ISSDA |
Research Teaching |
Various |
0042-00 |
QNHS Special Module: Childcare data |
Q4-2002, Q4-2007 |
Apply to ISSDA |
Research Teaching |
Various |
0043-00 |
QNHS Special Module: Equality data |
Q4-2004, Q4-2010 |
Apply to ISSDA |
Research Teaching |
Various |
0044-00 |
QNHS Special Module: Carers data
Q2-2004 |
Apply to ISSDA |
Research Teaching |
Various |
0063-00 |
Ready to Learn (RTL) Baseline, 2008 |
2008 |
QUB and Athlantic Philanthropies |
Apply to ISSDA |
Research Teaching |
0065-00 |
Rialto Out of School Time (OST) Project, 2011-2013 |
2011-2013 |
QUB and Athlantic Philanthropies |
Apply to ISSDA |
Research Teaching |
0046-00 |
School Leavers Survey |
1980-2007 |
ESRI and the Department of Education |
Apply to ISSDA |
Research |
0084-00 |
SEAI Survey of Irish Attitudes to Wind and Solar Power |
2022 |
Apply to ISSDA |
Research Teaching |
0080-00 |
Secondary School Staff Confidence and Concerns around Youth Mental Health |
2021 |
Professor Eilis Hennessy, and Maeve Dwan-O’Reilly, UCD School of Psychology |
Apply to ISSDA |
Research |
0047-00 |
HRB, Irish Heart Foundation, NUIG, QUB, RCSI |
Apply to ISSDA |
Research Teaching |
0054-00 |
Student Activity and Sports Study Ireland (SASSI) |
2014-2015 |
Student Sport Ireland |
Apply to ISSDA |
Research |
0085-00 |
Survey of People in Ireland's attitude towards diversity |
2023 |
Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth |
Apply to ISSDA |
Research |
0049-00 |
Survey of Public Attitudes Towards Forestry in Ireland |
1998 |
ESRI and the Department of Communications, Energy and Natural Resources |
Apply to ISSDA |
Research |
SPSS Stata |
0051-00 |
Survey on Lifestyle and Attitudes to Nutrition (SLÁN) |
1998 2002 2007 |
ESRI, Department of Health & Children, and others |
Apply to ISSDA |
Research Teaching |
SPSS (all three), and Stata and SAS (1998 and 2002 only) |
0052-00 |
Teagasc National Farm Survey (NFS) |
2000-2015 |
Teagasc |
Apply to ISSDA |
Research |
Excel |
0053-00 0074-00 |
The Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing (TILDA) |
Wave 1, version 1.12 Wave 2, version 2.7 Wave 3, version 3.6 Wave 4, version 4.4 Wave 5, version 5.5 Harmonized TILDA TILDA COVID-19 |
TCD, Irish Life, Atlantic Philanthropies, and the Department of Health |
Apply to ISSDA |
Research Teaching |
Stata SPSS |
0078-00 |
Women’s perception and knowledge of prenatal screening for fetal trisomy, 2020 |
2021 |
Apply to ISSDA |
Research |
Datasets will be distributed via an online download service, called FileSender. The datasets are password protected and encrypted, and require the following software, PKWARE zip reader to decrypt the file. Further instructions will be sent with each dataset.
Most of the data held by ISSDA is distributed in SPSS, SAS or Stata formats. In some cases, data are provided in MS Excel or comma separated values (CSV) formats. Please check the relevant dataset to check the format of the data before making your request, as it is not be possible to supply data in formats other than those supplied to us by the Data Provider.
In addition to sending out data, ISSDA also sends users related documentation. Documentation is supplied for the most part in PDF format, with a smaller number of files coming in either MS Word and plain text formats.
The ISSDA Privacy Notice for End Users and Data Depositors outlines how we collect and use personal data (information) about individuals requesting access to data in the Archive.
If you have any questions please feel free to contact us at:
1) Identify a dataset of interest. You can find a complete list on this page
2) Check that the dataset is available in a format you are familiar with
3) Download the relevant application form (Research Purposes or Teaching Purposes)
4) Complete all sections of the form. Sign the End User Licence by digital signature or by inserting a small image of your signature onto the form
5) Finally, email your completed application to We shall then assess your application!
Research/Educational Purposes
By requesting the data for Research purposes you can use the data in your research project. This includes student projects or assignments that you may be working on. The data held by ISSDA can be ordered via this ISSDA Data Request Form for Research Purposes - Pseudonymised Datasets, which is also accessible on the webpages for the respective datasets. The form is an End User Licence, and users are legally bound by its terms. Please make sure that the form is fully completed and signed, otherwise, your application may be returned to you.
Completed forms should be emailed to:
Teaching Purposes
Some datasets can be used for teaching purposes. Please check the dataset table above or individual dataset pages. There is a separate request form for teaching purposes, and you can find this on the individual dataset pages, where applicable. Teaching Request forms must be used if you plan on using the data in a classroom situation. This covers sharing of data with students in a classroom situation and the use of the data for an associated assignment for educational credit. Teaching requests are approved on a once-off module/workshop basis. Subsequent occurrences of the module/workshop require a new teaching request form.
If a student wishes to publish formally in a journal etc. afterwards as a separate research project (i.e. outside the module requirements/assignment), then an individual sign ISSDA Data Request Form for Research Purposes from the student would subsequently be required.
Please note that there may be additional delays with the application procedure for some of the datasets, as the data providers may need to be consulted. Please feel free to contact us with any queries.
Commercial Purposes
The datasets were deposited with ISSDA under the usage condition of research and education use only.