Childhood Development Initiative (CDI) – Process Evaluation Inter-agency Collaboration Questionnaire, 2008 - 2012


Study Number (SN): 0006-00




UNESCO Child and Family Research Centre, School of Political Science and Sociology, National University of Ireland, Galway & Tallaght West: Childhood Development Initiative, (2012)  Childhood Development Initiative: Process Evaluation Inter-agency Collaboration Questionnaire, 2008 - 2012 [data collection]. Version 1. Irish Social Science Data Archive. SN: 0006-00. 



This study evaluated the implementation of the Childhood Development Initiative (CDI) in Tallaght West, Co. Dublin, between 2008 and 2012. The project aims included to examine and critically assess the working processes and services of CDI in implementing its programme of work to improve outcomes for children and families. A core aim of the CDI strategy envisaged the Tallaght West community working together to improve the quality of existing service provision in the locality.

The evaluation adopted a mixed-methods approach in gathering data, with the primary method being qualitative – interviews, documentary analysis and observations. A small amount of additional data was gathered via a survey, comprising the quantitative element. The survey targeted those working for service agencies, and particularly those working in organisations which work with children and families. The survey theme was interagency working and service integration’ and was conducted to ascertain the extent of interagency working at the strategic level.


  • Children
  • Families
  • Interagency working and collaboration
  • Service integration and training
  • Evaluation



Management and staff working in statutory and voluntary service / training / educational agencies in the south County Dublin area.

Observation units


Institutions / Organisations

Temporal coverage

Dates of fieldwork: 2008 - 2012

Time dimension

Cross-sectional one-time study

Geographical coverage

Country: Ireland 
Region: Dublin
County: Dublin
Town: Tallaght West
Administrative unit: South County Dublin Local Authority Area

Sampling procedures

A Survey questionnaire was developed and then piloted with MA Family Support students (N = 26) in NUI Galway. These students come from a variety of different organisations working with children and families and occupy managerial or semi-managerial roles in their organisations. Once refined, the evaluation team adopted a three strand, purposive sampling approach to identifying suitable candidates to send (by email) the survey to:

  • Any individual identified in the CDI database as being a manager, director, coordinator, principal, chairperson or other similar position;
  • Organisations that were familiar to the Child and Family Research Centre but not on the mailing list were included in the email shot; and
  • Organisations identified through the online site of the Tallaght Drugs Task Force were included.

Methods of data collection

CASI (Computer Assisted Self Interviewing).

Response rate

In total, 133 individuals were emailed with a cover letter and link to the survey. The survey was hosted via a professional account on the online survey hosting site, Survey Monkey ( In the cover letter participants were informed about the study, the survey specifically – its aims and content – and informed that their participation was voluntary. All respondents were sent a reminder every week and the survey was closed after one month. The response rate for the survey was 22.55% (30 respondents). However, it should be noted that some respondents did not complete the entire survey.


Data (available through ISSDA application process)


File name


File format/s

Contents of file

IAW analysis


Survey data and variables


Documentation (available for download)


File name


File format/s

(preferably PDF)

Contents of file

Survey Questionnaire 1


Questions regarding interagency collaboration



Canavan, J., Coen, L., Ozan, J. and Curtin, C. (2014) Leading Community Change: Delivering Better Outcomes in an Irish Community. Dublin: Childhood Development Initiative 

Leading Community Change: Delivering Better Outcomes in an Irish Community: Childhood Development Initiative Final Process Evaluation Report

Canavan, J., Coen, L., Ozan, J. and Curtin, C. (2014) Interagency Working and Service Integration in Tallaght West. Dublin: Childhood Development Initiative 

The Tallaght West Childhood Development Initiative (CDI) Process Evaluation Thematic Report No. 2: Interagency Working and Service Integration in Tallaght West

Canavan, J., Coen, L., Ozan, J. and Curtin, C. (2014) CDI Experience Impacting on Training and Support of Managers and Practitioners. Dublin: Childhood Development Initiative

The Tallaght West Childhood Development Initiative (CDI) Process Evaluation Thematic Report No. 3 CDI Experience Impacting on Training and Support of Managers and Practitioners



Accessing the data

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Citation requirement

The data and its creators shall be cited in all publications and presentations for which the data have been used. The bibliographic citation may be in the form suggested by the archive or in the form required by the publication.

Bibliographical citation

Childhood Development Initiative: Process Evaluation Inter-agency Collaboration Questionnaire, 2008 - 2012[computer file]. Galway: UNESCO Child and Family Research Centre, School of Political Science and Sociology, National University of Ireland, Galway & Tallaght West: Childhood Development Initiative [producers], 2012. Dublin: Irish Social Science Data Archive [distributor], 2014.


The user shall notify the Irish Social Science Data Archive of all publications where she or he has used the data.

