The Children’s Sport Participation and Physical Activity Study, 2010, 2018 & 2022

Study Number (SN): 0010-01 CSPPA 2009-2010

Study Number (SN): 0010-02 CSPPA 2017-2018

Study Number (SN): 0010-03 CSPPA 2022


About the Study

The Children’s Sport Participation and Physical Activity study (CSPPA) was funded by the Irish Sports Council. It was a unique multi-centre study undertaken by Dublin City University, University of Limerick, University College Cork and from 2018 Ulster University and brought together expertise from physical education, sport and coaching studies and physical activity for health.

Data were collected from children and young people in primary and post-primary schools using a self-complete questionnaire, interview and physical health data (height, weight, waist circumference and blood pressure). The primary school questionnaire was issued to pupils in 5th and 6th classes and included questions on physical activity levels, transport and participation in sports clubs and sports in school.

The CSPPA Study was first conducted in 2009 and was designed as a follow-up survey to the 2005 ‘School Children and Sport in Ireland’ Study, which was carried out on behalf of the Irish Sports Council by the Economic and Social Research Institute. The same methodology was used where possible for both studies, thereby allowing comparisons to be made. Follow up CSPPA surveys were carried out in 2018 and 2022.

Main Topics

  • Physical Education
  • Physical Activity
  • Sports’ Participation
  • Active Transport
  • Sedentary Behaviour
  • Youth Sport 


Requesting the data

To access the data, please complete a ISSDA Data Request Form for Research Purposes - Pseudonymised Datasets, sign it, and send it to ISSDA by email.

Data will be disseminated on receipt of a fully completed, signed form. Incomplete or unsigned forms will be returned to the data requester for completion.


For teaching purposes, please complete the ISSDA Data Request Form for Teaching Purposes - Pseudonymised Datasets and follow the procedures, as above. This covers sharing of data with students in a classroom situation. Teaching requests are approved on a once-off module/workshop basis. Subsequent occurances of the module/workshop require a new application. If students will subsequently using data for projects/assignments they must submit their own request form for Research Purposes. Please contact us if you have any queries.


For a list of Sports related datasets click here.


For a list of Health related datasets click here.
