Irish Social Science Data Archive
Study number (SN): 0060-00
O'Neill, C. (2018). The Irish EQ-5D-5L Survey, 2015-2016. [dataset]. Version 1. Irish Social Science Data Archive. SN: 0060-00. URL |
Data were collected for 1311 individuals in the Republic of Ireland between March 2015 and September 2016 using the EQ5D5L descriptive framework. The survey included the collection of self-reported health status across five domains of health - mobility, self-care, usual activities, pain/discomfort and anxiety/depression - at five levels of severity. In addition, a broad range of socio-demograpic data including age, gender, martial status, income, education and urban/rural location were collected. Data from the survey has been used to establish population norms for health using the EQ5D5L descriptive framework for Ireland (i.e. representative values of the resident population) and to examine variations in these beween groups differentiated by observed socio-demograpic characteristics. The data allows researchers to compare Irish norms with that of samples they may have generated or can access from other studies using the same instrument and to explore the sources of variations among and beween. This is the first national set of EQ-5D-5L data for Ireland.
The data were collected from 1311 residents of Ireland aged 18 years or older.
From 03/2015 to 09/2016
Country: Ireland
A representative sample off Irish residents was drawn using a two-stage stratified clustering process as detailed by Haase and Pratschke, (2012). In the first stage, a sample of 54 small areas stratified by deprivation level and urban/rural classifications were drawn at random from across the country. In the second stage, within each small area, a sample of approximately 20 houses were selected at random. Random selection was achieved by using a random starting point and inviting a resident in every third house to participate in the survey. To achieve this, each house was visited up to three times throughout the day (and evening) in an effort to make contact with the householder. Where it was not possible to elicit a response from the selected house, it was replaced from among those in the immediate vicinity, generally based on immediate physical proximity. Within each house any adult capable of giving informed consent could volunteer to complete the survey, one volunteer per household being chosen at random.
Purposive sampling to augment the number of younger persons and males in the sample was undertaken in 2016. This followed a comparison of the recruited sample with that of the CSO population estimates for age and gender nationally. 102 of the 1131 completed surveys were purposive.
Excluding the purposive sample and properties where it was not possible, despite call backs, to contact the householder, the response rate of the survey was 47%. Including properties where contact with the householder was not possible in the denominator, the response rate was 19%.
File name |
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Contents of file |
eq5d5l_2018 | Stata | String data for EQ-5D-5L for Ireland and socioeconomic variables. |
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Excel |
Data Dictionary for Irish EQ5D5L Survey |
Questionnaire for Irish EQ5D5L Survey |
EQ5D5L Survey, 2015-2016 Participant Info |
Participant Information Sheet for Irish EQ5D5L Survey |
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Ciaran O'Neill, Queens University Belfast
This study was funded by the Health Research Board under a Research Leader Award. Financial support was also provided by the EuroQol Research Foundation.
Any work based in whole or part on resources provided by ISSDA, should acknowledge: "Irish EQ-5D-5L Survey, 2015-2016" and also ISSDA, in the following way: “Accessed via the Irish Social Science Data Archive -”.
The data and its creators shall be cited in all publications and presentations for which the data have been used. The bibliographic citation may be in the form suggested by the archive or in the form required by the publication.
O'Neil, C. (2018). The Irish EQ-5D-5L Survey, 2015-2016 [dataset]. Version 1. Irish Social Science Data Archive. SN: 0060-00. URL
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