Lived Lives

Study number (SN): 0070-00


Lived Lives. (2021). Lived Lives I : A Rural Perspective; Lived Lives II : A Psychiatric Hospital Perspective, 2020. [dataset]. Version 1. Irish Social Science Data Archive. SN: 0070-00.


The study was led by Prof Kevin M. Malone, MD, FRCPI, FRCPsych, Department of Psychiatry, Psychotherapy and Mental Health Research St. Vincent’s University Hospital & UCD School of Medicine University College Dublin, and Dr Seamus McGuinness, School of Art & Textiles, GMIT Galway.

The study was supported by a grant from The Wellcome Trust (Lived Lives: from Tory Island to Swifts Asylum Wellcome Trust (UK) 2017 to 2019 Award GRANT_NUMBER: 208947/Z/17/Z).

The purpose of the study was to address stigma, and to bring new knowledge and understanding around suicide, by manifesting the Lived Lives project in communities. The Lived Lives project consists of (i) quantitative and qualitative interviews with 104 families who have been bereaved by suicide (ii) an art archive created from personal donations of 62 of the 104 suicide-bereaved families about their lost loved one. From these donations, the artist created a series of art-works – the Lived Lives artworks, which were introduced privately to the donor families (and documented), who then made a collective decision to bring these to the public. Manifesting the Lived Lives project in the public domain over the past decade has involved the installation of the Lived Lives artworks (in a series of public locations), together with a science-arts mediated tour through the exhibition with members of the public who wish to participate in this guided exhibition, and with documented feedback from these participants. This feedback includes anonymous and de-identified oral as well as written feedback related to the subject matter (suicide), as well as the Lived Lives guided exhibition.   


  • Mental Health
  • Stigma
  • Suicide
  • Science-Arts Collaboration



Participants in this study included members of the general public from a rural community around Fort Dunree, Inishowen, Donegal who came to be aware of the Lived Lives project and came along to voluntarily participate and included men and women of all ages. Participants in Dublin Lived Lives manifestation included members of the public, as well as employees of St. Patricks Hospital.

Observation units

  • Individual
  • Institutions / Organisations

Temporal coverage

From 03/2017 to 12/2019

Time dimension

Cross-sectional one-time study. Repeated cross-sectional study - 2 iterations (one rural, one urban) over a 30-month period.

Geographical coverage

Country: Ireland

Region: East and North West

County: Dublin and Donegal

Methods of data collection

  • PAPI (Paper and Pencil Interviewing): Self-completion (distributed by post, email or other)

  • In addition to paper and pencil questionnaires, the current data contains transcription of oral conversation captured by video with consent of participants, anonymized and de-identified.

Sampling procedures

Both iterations of Lived Lives were advertised publicly and through local community agencies who were invited to also advertise the events.  The Lived Lives exhibitions were free and open to members of the public. Participants were informed about the nature, context and participant involvement in advance of entering the exhibition. They were also introduced to the presence of bereavement counsellor support. They were also advised that the guided exhibition was being documented, and that there was no onus on subjects to participate, either with PEP feedback, or recorded conversations which were subsequently transcribed and de-identified. Following their engagement with Lived Lives, those in attendance were invited to participate in the research element of the project voluntarily and anonymously.

Informed Consent was obtained verbally / orally as with previous public iterations where literacy problems were apparent or possible. Anonymity was also provided to participants by not having to sign consent, but rather provide verbal consent. Ethical Approval for the Studies were provided by The Ethics Review Board at St. Patrick’s University Hospital and by the St. Vincent’s University Hospital Ethics and Medical Research Committee.


Data (available through ISSDA application process)

File name

File format/s

Contents of file



Word file containing quantitative and qualitative data collected at Lived Lives Fort Dunree.



Excel file containing quantitative data collected at Lived Lives SPUH.



Word file containing anonymised transcription of post-exhibition interactive conversation with the Lived Lives team.



Wod file containing quantitative data collected at Lived Lives SPUH.

Lived_Lives_Walsh_and_Phillips_Feedback_and Evaluation


Word document containing evaluations of Lived Lives by Dr. Consilia Walsh and Dr Áine Phillips.


Documentation (available for download)

File name

File format/s

Contents of file

 Lived Lives Fort Dunree Blank Questionnaire


 Copy of questionnaire used at Lived Lives Fort Dunree

Lived Lives SPUH Blank Questionnaire


Copy of questionnaire used at Lived Lives SPUH



Malone, K.M., Cleary, E., Kelleher, C., Jefferies, J., Lane, A., Lucey, J.V.& McGuinness, S. (2019). Bringing Lived Lives to Swift’s Asylum: A Psychiatric Hospital Perspective. Wellcome Open Research,

Cleary E, Malone KM, Corry C, Sheridan A, Kelleher CC, Lane A, & McGuinness S. (2019) Lived  Lives at Fort Dunree: A rural community perspective., 2019

McGuinness, S. & Malone, .K.M, (2019). Lived Lives: From Tory Island to Swift’s Asylum E-publication. Accessible at

Malone KM. 2013. Suicide in Ireland Survey.


Accessing the data

To access the data, please complete a ISSDA Data Request Form for Research Purposes - Pseudonymised Datasets, sign it, and send it to ISSDA by email.

For teaching purposes, please complete the ISSDA Data Request Form for Teaching Purposes - Pseudonymised Datasets, and follow the procedures, as above. Teaching requests are approved on a once-off module/workshop basis. Subsequent occurrences of the module/workshop require a new teaching request form.

Data will be disseminated on receipt of a fully completed, signed form. Incomplete or unsigned forms will be returned to the data requester for completion.



The dataset was generated by Kevin Malone & Seamus McGuinness. Copyright belongs to Kevin Malone & Seamus McGuinness.


Any work based in whole or part on resources provided by the ISSDA, should  acknowledge: “[Title of data collection]" and also ISSDA, in the following way: “Accessed via the Irish Social Science Data Archive -”.

Citation requirement

The data and its creators shall be cited in all publications and presentations for which the data have been used. The bibliographic citation may be in the form suggested by the archive or in the form required by the publication.

Bibliographical citation

Lived Lives. (2021). Lived Lives I : A Rural Perspective; Lived Lives II : A Psychiatric Hospital Perspective, 2020. [dataset]. Version 1. Irish Social Science Data Archive. SN: 0070-00.


The user shall notify the Irish Social Science Data Archive of all publications where she or he has used the data.
