Irish Social Science Data Archive
Study Number (SN): 0046-00
The School Leavers Survey is a long-running study, conducted by the ESRI and funded by the Department of Education (now the Department of Education and Skills), which examines young peoples' experiences while at school and their experiences of the transition from second-level education to labour force participation, further education, or economic inactivity. ISSDA holds data for this survey from 1980 to 2007.
To access the data, please complete a ISSDA Data Request Form for Research Purposes - Pseudonymised Datasets, sign it, send it to ISSDA by email.
Data will be disseminated on receipt of a fully completed, signed form. Incomplete or unsigned forms will be returned to the data requester for completion.
Flannery D. and Cullinan, J. (2014) “Where they go, what they do and why it matters: the importance of geographic accessibility and social class for decisions relating to higher education institution type, degree level and field of study”, Applied Economics, Vol. 46, No. 24, 2952-2965.