Survey on People in Ireland’s attitude towards diversity, June 2023

Study number (SN): 0085-00


Department of Children, Equality, Diversity, Integration and Youth (2024). Survey on People in Ireland’s attitude towards diversity, June 2023 [dataset]. Version 1. Irish Social Science Data Archive. SN: 0085-00. 



The survey questionnaire was designed by IPSOS in conjunction with several Government departments and representatives from different civil society groups. These include Pavee Point, NDA, AsIam, Independent Living Movement, the Irish Deaf Society, National Platform of Self Advocates; Voice of Vision, Impairment Physical Impairment Ireland, Disabled Women Ireland; BelongTo, INAR, MRCI, the ESRI. In addition, several civil society groups were shown the survey and asked for feedback. Laurence Bond the former Director of the Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission provided expert feedback on question formulation.

The survey asked a series of questions pertaining to demographics of participant, civil and social engagement and attitudinal questions towards various categories. The demographics questions gathered data regarding gender, age, employment status, socio-economic status, family status, birth country, ethnicity, nationality, size of residential area, renting or owning accommodation, sexual orientation, county of residence and eircode.

The civil and social engagement questions concerned voting, volunteering, holidays, life satisfaction and trust in others.

The attitudinal questions were:

  • How comfortable would you be if a ___________ person was living next door/in the nearest house to where you live?
  • How comfortable would you be if one of your children was in/are in a love relationship with a ___________ person?
  • How comfortable would you feel if a ___________ child was in the same class as your child?
  • Would a ___________ person be at a disadvantage when being hired?
  • A series of questions concerning attitudes towards immigration.
  • What is the biggest issue facing the world / Ireland?


  • Integration 
  • Population Migration 
  • Gender identity
  • Social Issues 




A representative sample of all adults aged 16+ in the Republic of Ireland.

Observation units 

  • individual

Temporal coverage 

From 03/2023 to 04/2023

Time dimension  

Cross-sectional one-time study

Geographical coverage 

Country: Republic of Ireland

Methods of data collection 

  • CAPI (Computer Aided Personal Interviewing)
  • CATI (Computer Aided Telephone Interviewing)


Sampling procedures 

3 stage sampling process involving Random, Multistage and Stratified sampling

Stage 1: Stratified Random Selection of Sampling Points

The selection of the sample required a stratified random selection of addresses, or sampling points, to distribute the sample geographically throughout the Republic of Ireland, proportional to population. The universe for this study was identified as all adults aged 16+.

The Republic of Ireland is divided geographically into 3,440 Electoral Divisions (EDs) ranged across Urban and Rural districts throughout the country. These EDs provided the basis of the sampling frame from which individual EDs were identified as the primary sampling units for this study.

In order to ensure that the EDs selected were representative of the required population in terms of their distribution around Ireland, variables from the 2016 Census were used to stratify the population of EDs prior to the selection process, namely region and degree of urbanisation.

The first stage in the selection of these sampling points involved the analysis and stratification of the population 16+ by broad region:

  • Dublin,
  • Rest of Leinster,
  • Munster and
  • Connaught/Ulster.

Within each region, further stratification by community size (urbanisation) was applied:

  • County Borough,
  • Towns population 10000+;
  • Towns population 5000-10000;
  • Towns population 1500-5000 and
  • Rural areas population < 1500.

Within each of these cells, all wards, towns and EDs were listed with their populations and the required sampling points were selected proportional to their population, utilising a random, systematic selection process. In this manner 100 EDs were selected by identifying every nth ED. This framework ensured a spread of interviewing across all urban and rural dimensions, and further ensured that all households had an equal opportunity for selection regardless of the size of the ED in which a household was situated.

In this manner the sample was spread geographically across the entire country.

Stage 2: Setting Quotas

At each sampling point quota controls were applied to ensure that the sample was representative of the universe in terms of required demographic criteria.

The population distribution by age and gender was calculated for each major region of the country based on the known population estimates derived from the Census of Population 2016 or, where appropriate, updates provided by the Quarterly National Household Survey.

Quota controls were then set for key attributes within each region. Quota controls were based on:

  • Age within gender
  • Socio-economic status

Interviewers were provided with specific interviewing quotas detailing the exact number of interviews to be conducted with each demographic group. Respondent selection in terms of socio-economic status was based on the occupation of the head of household.

Stage 3: Selection of Household

Once the selected wards / EDs were identified, a unique household address was selected at random from the full list of addresses within that ED. The list of addresses used for this purpose is provided by Geo Directory, a complete Irish address database,

listing all households in Ireland. This list is maintained by An Post. This address was issued to the interviewer as a starting address, and forms the nucleus of a cluster of 15 interviews.

From this identified starting address, interviewers followed a random route procedure to fulfil their full quota of interviews. The interviewer made contact at the starting address and attempted to achieve an interview in that household. From that house, the interviewer called to every 5th house in urban areas (following a zig-zag route) and every 1⁄4 mile in rural areas. At each house on this route an interview was conducted if a person in that household matched the demographic quota controls set for that sampling point.

In this manner, the required quota of interviews was filled at each sampling point.




Data (available through ISSDA application process)

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Documentation (available for download) 

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Survey report




0085-00_dcediy_survey_ireland_attitude_diversity_CAPI Q'aire.pdf






Accessing the data 

To access the data, please complete a ISSDA Data Request Form for Research Purposes - Non-Personal Datasets, sign it, and send it to ISSDA by email.

Data will be disseminated on receipt of a fully completed, signed form. Incomplete or unsigned forms will be returned to the data requester for completion.


The Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth


Any work based in whole or part on resources provided by the ISSDA, should  acknowledge: “Survey on People in Ireland’s attitude towards diversity, June 2023" and also ISSDA, in the following way: “Accessed via the Irish Social Science Data Archive -”.

Citation requirement 

The data and its creators shall be cited in all publications and presentations for which the data have been used. The bibliographic citation may be in the form suggested by the archive or in the form required by the publication.

Bibliographical citation 

Department of Children, Equality, Diversity, Integration and Youth (2024). Survey on People in Ireland’s attitude towards diversity, June 2023 [dataset]. Version 1. Irish Social Science Data Archive. SN: 0085-00.


The user shall notify the Irish Social Science Data Archive of all publications where she or he has used the data.
