Irish Social Science Data Archive
7 April 2017
A wealth of data is available within Europe to help address social research questions and policy challenges and CESSDA has three great webinars to help you find it.
A wealth of data is available within Europe to help address social research questions and policy challenges.
Presented by Jennifer Buckley from the UK Data Service and Oliver Watteler from GESIS, the webinar will last approximately 40 minutes followed by 20 minutes for questions.
This introductory webinar is intended for anyone who wants to hear about the data available from European social science data services.
Participants will learn about the types of data available across European locations including major comparative and longitudinal studies.
There will be a practical overview of how to find, access and understand data with examples from two of Europe’s largest social science data services: the UK Data Service and GESIS.
Register here.
CESSDA is hosting a free webinar introducing data across Europe for researching political behaviour including election studies, comparative surveys and longitudinal data.
The webinar will last approximately 40 minutes, followed by 20 minutes for questions.
There will be a short practical discussion of how to find, access and understand data from European social science data archives and guest presentations discussing the Comparative Study of Electoral Systems (CSES) and the research potential of other key data studies.
The CSES is a collaborative program of research among election study teams from around the world. Participating countries and provinces include a common module of survey questions in their post-election studies. The presentation will discuss the content, structure and research potential of the data.
Register here.
CESSDA is hosting a free webinar introducing data across Europe for researching ageing.
The webinar will last approximately one hour with time for questions.
Participants will learn about key studies including major longitudinal and cross-national studies such as the Survey of Health, ageing and Retirement in Europe (SHARE), the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing (ELSA) and The Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing (TILDA).
The webinar will include guest speakers from SHARE and Gateway to Global Aging Data, who will give an overview of these resources and their research potential:
There will also be a practical overview of European social science data services.
Register here.