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Higher Education Reference Models

Higher Education Reference Models (HERM)

In September 2021 the Higher Education Reference Models (HERM) was launched as joint collaboration between (opens in a new window)CAUDIT, (opens in a new window)EDUCAUSE, (opens in a new window)EUNIS, and (opens in a new window)UCISA, becoming the leading reference models for higher education institutions globally.

The Higher Education Reference Models (HERM) is a framework designed to provide a structured approach to understanding, analysing, and improving higher education institutions.

It consists of Reference Models that help institutions standardise processes, enhance efficiency, and support decision-making.

The Reference Models cover business, data, application and technology architectures, creating a generalised view of how higher education institutions are organised, the information they use, the applications and technologies that enable them.

The Reference Models should be adapted to meet the specific needs of institutions.

They are a communication tool to engage stakeholders, to help:

  • describe a 'whole of institution' view to colleagues within their institution
  • support interoperability and collaboration
  • improve engagement in major projects and initiatives
  • facilitate the exchange of architectural knowledge and good practice
  • increase the value and efficiency of architecture teams
Business Capability Model

Business Capability Model

The Business Capability Model describes the Business Architecture

The Business Capability Model describes a standard set of Business Architecture elements relevant to Higher Education. It is to be used as a reference for Business Stakeholders, Enterprise Architects, and Technology Strategists to engage in discussion regarding business effectiveness, needs, and challenges.

It models WHAT a University is capable of doing. It presents the business capabilities within the wider business context of WHO it serves, relies on, and answers to.

It supports the development of strategies by viewing the business as a collection of capabilities that can be adjusted in response to the demands of the business environment.

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