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About Google Chat

Google Chat is an instant messaging service, available as part of the Google Workspace suite for UCD staff and students. You can use Google Chat to see at a glance if a colleague is available, send them a message and collaborate quickly.

You can use Chat from your computer or phone. Find it directly in Gmail on your desktop, and a Chat app is available for Android and iOS. You can also install the standalone app for Google Chrome. 

Using Google Chat for instant collaboration

Google Chat is a handy instant collaboration tool, and it is a supported alternative at UCD to other instant messaging services like WhatsApp. 

In Google Chat, you can ask quick questions, send direct messages (DMs), collaborate in group chats and more:

  • Talk to people directly or in small group messages.
  • Collaborate in large, named groups called Spaces.
  • Send and share files from Google Docs, Slides, and Sheets.
  • Set up tasks and meetings.

Spaces for group collaboration

You can create a Space for a group of people to collaborate in Google Chat. For example, to: 

  1. Collaborate on a project
  2. Communicate with your team or unit
  3. Share announcements with staff and/or students on a particular topic

Spaces are flexible: you can make them public or restrict them to certain people only, all UCD staff, or invite students. You can also invite external collaborators, once they have a Google account. You can allow people to post and comment, or set it up for announcements only.  

As well as having a full message history, Space members may share and view files and links - you can even assign tasks to Space members, which will appear in their calendars. 

Google Chat Best Practices

While email remains a great medium for recaps, updates, and other informational exchanges, there are many situations where it’s not the best form of communication.

In our modern workplace, Google Chat can be a great additional tool for instant collaboration, alongside email.  It’s often easier to ping someone than to walk over to their desk, especially if the response you need is finite and a quick answer. Spaces provide a great channel to keep messages, files and links grouped on a specific topic e.g. have a Space for project comms. A team Space is also a great way to prompt team coffees or informal communications if your team is working hybridly.

Google Chat is a supported service at UCD that can replace alternatives like WhatsApp groups.

Top tips for chat:

  1. Keep chat conversations to three questions or fewer.
  2. Give a little context when pinging someone.
  3. You can see by the colour dot if a contact is available or not: white for offline, green for available and red for busy. Helpfully, Google Chat will even prompt you before you send a message if the person is out of office or it's outside their working hours.
  4. Sometimes a phone or Zoom call may be easier, if your message or question is nuanced or needs further explanation. 

See further details in this (opens in a new window)Harvard Business Review article. 

Google Chat is fully supported by UCD IT Services and is available to all staff and students as part of our Google Workspace accounts. That means that you can avail of assistance from IT Services in case of issues, or IT security concerns.

We recommend using (opens in a new window)Spaces as a supported alternative to third party services like WhatsApp groups or Slack channels, for university business. Google Chat is available on phones via the Google Chat app, as well as on desktop, so provides us with a very flexible tool for instant collaboration. 

You may create Spaces to be used as announcement-only or as a space for people to collaborate. You can add individual people of Google Groups to a Space.

We recommend creating a Space as a channel for a project or theme. That way, collaborators can avoid trawling through email - all conversations, files, links (and even tasks) related to that topic can all be found grouped in one place. e.g. you could have a unit General Space and a separate Space for a particular project or initiative. 

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UCD IT Services

Computer Centre, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.

Contact us via the UCD IT Support Hub: www.ucd.ie/ithelp