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Software Application Guidelines

Software Application Guidelines

Last updated - March 2022

IT Services provides a number of Software Application services, as follows:

  • Software applications for teaching can be accessed via UCD Connect - Apps Anywhere, on lab computers,
    office computers and laptops.
  • Some software can be downloaded for use on personal/office computers/laptops, this is dependent on the
    type of license that UCD has with the supplier of the software.
  • Some software can be purchased at reduced (academic) pricing.
  • Faculty and staff can request a new software application, required for teaching, to be distributed through the
    AppsAnywhere platform (license and budget dependent).
  • Faculty and staff can request other amendments to the software setup of the IT Services managed PCs in the
    teaching labs and and shared teaching spaces, if the application is required for the purpose of teaching
    (license, budget and submission deadlines dependent). 
  • A software application catalogue showing all the applications available in UCD and how to access them.

The software application catalogue can be viewed here:
(opens in a new window)UCD IT Services Application Catalogue

The following criteria are required for a software application to be packaged and made available through AppsAnywhere, this applies to both free and paid for applications:

  • The software application is to be used for the purposes of teaching and learning in UCD.
  • The software has been purchased by the school/college/programme/unit or appropriate budget exists to allow
    the software application to be purchased.
  • The software has the potential to be used by multiple modules/programmes and computer users.
  • The software license allows for the software to be distributed in a virtualized manner.
  • The software license has the appropriate concurrency levels in place, where required.
  • The software application must be a Windows based application.

To apply to get software added to the application catalogue, a faculty or staff member should:

  1. Refer to the Application Catalogue (linked above) to establish if a similar software application is available and
    could be used as an alternative.
  2. If there is still a requirement for the application and the application is freely available, the faculty or staff
    member should contact ITHelp for advice or to request the application.*
  3. If there is a requirement for the application not met by the current catalogue and there is a cost associated
    with the software, the faculty or staff member should first ensure that appropriate budget is available in their
    subject area/school/college/unit to purchase the software. The faculty or staff member should then contact
    ITHelp for advice or to request the application.*
  4. All new software application requests will be evaluated against the above criteria

*Please allow up to 4 weeks from request date for the application to be made available via Apps Anywhere.
IT Services will maintain the latest version of an application and a maximum of one other version.
Existing software usage is reviewed at the end of each teaching semester, software applications that do not have
significant usage will be reviewed and considered for retirement. Appropriate notification to end users will be issued
before the retirement date of any application.
While IT Services host these software applications, we are not in a position to offer in-depth support or training in the
use of these software applications.

UCD IT Services

Computer Centre, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.

Contact us via the UCD IT Support Hub: www.ucd.ie/ithelp