On this page
Brightspace provides a number of tools to support assessment activities in your module. To further assist you in delivering a range of assessment options, we have a number of integrations that elevate how you may wish to offer your assessments. All have the option of being formative or summative assessments and provide options for directing students and providing feedback. These tools cover the full scope of assessed activities. They provide for individual, group and peer assessment.

Key Features
Depending on your module and how you wish to deliver your assessment, Brightspace offers a number of different features to support you.
- The Assignment tool is primarily used for assessments such as essays, assignments, capstone projects, group assignments etc. Assignments should be created where a submission of a file is required. Brightspace supports the upload of most file types. Turnitin Originality Checker can also be enabled in assignments for plagiarism detection.
- The Discussion tool can be used to grade the individual posts or overall threads posted by a student.
- PeerScholar, a peer review tool that allows students to work together to deepen learning while also exercising & measuring core skills
- Bongo Video Assignments that allow for time stamped feedback on submitted videos from individual students.
- Turnitin Originality Checker is the plagiarism detection tool, available to support academic integrity on assignments within your module.
- YuJa allows for formative and summative assessment options via the use of in video quiz options, Students can also submit video assignments/podcasts/mp3 files using YuJa via the assignment tool.
Getting Started
- (opens in a new window)Grading discussions in Brightspace (Instructor)
- (opens in a new window)Reviewing Assignment submissions - Grading & Feedback
- (opens in a new window)Delegated Grading in an Assignment
- (opens in a new window)Assignments, Grading & Feedback in Brightspace - recorded session
- (opens in a new window)Turnitin originality checker in Brightspace - Overview
- (opens in a new window)Grade transfer to Brightspace from peerScholar

Further Support
Browse and search for useful how-to guides and articles on our services. Just pop your question or key words into the search bar.
UCD IT Services
Computer Centre, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.Contact us via the UCD IT Support Hub: www.ucd.ie/ithelp