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Originality checker

From May 2024, UCD’s originality checker tool is Turnitin Originality.

The Originality Checker Tool, Turnitin, is software that compares student submissions for assessment against a vast database of academic papers, articles, books, and internet sources. By identifying matching text, the tool helps detect potential instances of plagiarism and potential academic misconduct ensuring that students are producing original work.
Our Originality Checker Tool is designed to assist faculty in verifying the authenticity of student submissions, with a view to preventing plagiarism.

Key Features:

  • Integration with Virtual Learning Environment: Available across all modules in our VLE - Brightspace.
  • Comprehensive Database: Access to millions of academic sources, journals, and internet publications.
  • Detailed Similarity Reports: In-depth analysis highlighting matching text and sources in an easy to use report. 

Transition from Ouriginal to Turnitin Originality

Following a successful pilot,Turnitin is the new originality checker at UCD.  Turnitin is an originality checking platform integrated with Brightspace to assist faculty in detection of plagiarism and assisting in assuring academic integrity within your module. Turnitin will be rolled out University wide from Autumn 2024.

Ouriginal, our current originality checker tool will be discontinued on the 31 August 2024 allowing Turnitin to be the single originality checker for the university.

When is the change from Ouriginal to Turnitin happening?

In order to assist with the University wide roll out in Autumn 2024, the University will begin to transition to Turnitin over the Summer Term. Turnitin will be enabled in all Brightspace modules on Tuesday 21 May 2024.

Details on how you can get started using Turnitin Originality can be found on the  (opens in a new window)IT Services Knowledge Base.

Ouriginal (formerly Urkund) will be disabled for new assignments.

From Tuesday 21 May 2024, instructors will no longer be able to use Ouriginal / Urkund for new assignments. You should use Turnitin as your originality checker tool. The navigation bar link called Originality checker is no longer active.  Turnitin can be accessed from within the Assignments tool.  (opens in a new window)Details on how to enable Turnitin in your assignment.

Access to Ouriginal / Urkund reports

Instructors will be able to access legacy similarity reports generated by Ouriginal until 31 August 2024, when the Ouriginal service will be removed from Brightspace.  All of the legacy Ouriginal similarity reports will be included in the UCD repository via Turnitin in the coming weeks.

Details on how instructors can access legacy Ouriginal reports can be found on the (opens in a new window)IT Services Knowledge Base.

Migration of UCD’s submissions archive to UCD’s repository at Turnitin 

Over Summer 2024, UCD submissions in Urkund will be migrated to Turnitin, so the University does not lose any of this valuable information and will not be required to start from scratch in terms of building a similarity repository.

Support information for using Turnitin originality checker

Support information for instructors and students is available in the IT Services knowledge base under the Turnitin Originality Checker category. 

Training will be rolled out ahead of the next academic year, and can be booked through the Booking Centre. For instructors looking to get started with Turnitin over the summer, we will offer a training session that can be booked now via the booking centre.

Getting Started with Turnitin Originality

Turnitin is available in all modules in Brightspace under the Assignment tool. 
Below you will find a number of useful support articles to assist you in getting started with the originality checker tool.

(opens in a new window)Turnitin originality checker in Brightspace - Overview (Instructors)
(opens in a new window)Turnitin originality checker setup in Brightspace (Instructors)
(opens in a new window)Turnitin Originality reports in Brightspace FAQ (Instructors)
(opens in a new window)Viewing Turnitin Reports in Brightspace Assignments
(opens in a new window)Turnitin originality checker training for UCD instructors
(opens in a new window)Turnitin originality checker in Brightspace (Instructors)

Turnitin iThenticate

Turnitin iThenticate is now available as an originality checker for researchers at UCD.  iThenticate is a similarity detection tool for work destined for publication.  iThenticate checks against the internet and a wide range of professionally published works.  It does not check against student submissions.  iThenticate enables authors to do an originality check of documents such as articles, book chapters, grant proposals, theses, etc. which are to be submitted for publication.  More information, including how to access iThenticate is in the knowledge base article: (opens in a new window)Turnitin iThenticate

Further Support

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UCD IT Services

Computer Centre, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.

Contact us via the UCD IT Support Hub: www.ucd.ie/ithelp