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Welcome Widget

Adding a Welcome message to the module homepage

It is possible to add a pop-up welcome message to your module homepage. Students will see this message the first time they access the module.

To add the message, you add a Unit to your module and name it **welcome and then within the Unit create a file or multiple files.

When accessing the module for the first time a message will appear on the page with a Dismiss button. A second or subsequent content items create a click-through where each item has a Next/Back button and the final one has the Dismiss button.

The welcome message only appears on the first access to the module but any editing or re-ordering of the content will re-launch the message again.

Create a Welcome message

  • Create a Unit in your module called **Welcome
  • Within the unit from Upload/Create select Create a File.
  • The title will be the heading on the message.
  • Second or subsequent items of content create a clickthrough message.

When the module is accessed for the first time, the welcome message appears. There is a Dismiss button which the student must click. Where there is more than on item, there will a Next button and the Dismiss button will be on the final item.

Welcome widget

Welcome widget

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