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Project Management Resources

Project Management - Quick Guides and Checklist

Links to Key Templates

Other Frequently Used Templates
Full list of Templates

PM² provides a toolbox of other Project Management Artefact Templates. Some of these may be useful for your project. (opens in a new window)Click here for the full list of PM² Project Management Artefact Templates.

Click here for more information on PM².

Project Management Training

A one-day 'PM² Essentials' course on the PM² Project Management Methodology is offered as part of the UCD HR People and Organisation Development course catalogue offerings.

In addition, regular IT Services Project Management training sessions are held. Please contact  (opens in a new window)UCD's IT PMO Manager to book a place.

PM² Guide and Training Material
Tunnel between Newman and Tierney buildings in autumn

UCD Project Management Community of Practice (PM CoP)

The purpose of UCD's PM CoP is to tap into the experience of project managers across the university to build and share knowledge, skills, tools, and ways of working, as well as to develop an informal network of like-minded individuals.

The group is for project managers, programme managers and other interested people who play a role in managing projects in UCD. 

New members are always welcome and anyone interested in becoming a member can (opens in a new window)join our Workvivo PM CoP space.

For IT PMO Queries please contact (opens in a new window)UCD's IT PMO Manager.

UCD IT Services

Computer Centre, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.

Contact us via the UCD IT Support Hub: www.ucd.ie/ithelp