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Japanese Language and Culture Summer Camp for June 2024

June 2024 - Japanese Language and Culture Summer Camp for Beginners

The UCD Centre for Japanese Studies is delighted to offer a Japanese Language and Culture Summer Camp for Secondary School students this June.  The programme will run on the Belfield Campus between the 4th and 14th June and is supported by the Department of Education, Post-Primary Languages Ireland through the Governments '(opens in a new window)Languages Connect' Strategy to encourage and promote Foreign Languages. With this kind support the programme is free except for a booking deposit which is refundable on successful completion of the course.

Japanese Summer Camp 2023 poster

Explore, Connect, and Discover Japan: Your Journey Starts Here!

Experience an exciting summer adventure where you'll explore the beauty of the Japanese language and its captivating culture. This camp is just for secondary students like you who want to learn about Japan's language and traditions.

The language course is for complete beginners, and at the camp, you'll learn Japanese, starting from the basics like greetings, then moving on to chatting in your group. Fun and interactive activities led by experienced teachers will make learning the language enjoyable and easy.

But that's not all! Understanding a language means also understanding its culture. You'll get to do cool things like drumming workshops, origami, manga sessions, and playing traditional Japanese games. By trying out these activities, you'll develop a deeper appreciation for Japan's rich heritage, which is known worldwide.

The camp is also a chance to make friends. You'll meet other students who love Japan, practice languages together, and work on fun group projects. This will improve your speaking skills and introduce you to Japanese reading and writing.

Don't worry; your safety is our priority. Our experienced and caring staff will help you feel comfortable and secure throughout the camp.

Join us for an amazing Japanese Language and Culture Summer Camp! Get ready for a summer full of learning and adventure that will give you awesome memories and a love for the Japanese language and its traditions. We can't wait to see you there!

Applications open from Wednesday 1st May [after 6pm]
Click here to complete your booking!

Japanese Summer Camp Banner