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Professeur invité at EHESS, France – Centre Director, Dr Naonori Kodate

May 2024

Assoc. Prof. Kodate re-joined Institut de recherche interdisciplinaire sur les enjeux sociaux (IRIS) and Centre de recherche médecine, science, santé et société - CERMES 3, giving a series of lectures and a keynote.

In May 2024, Assoc. Prof. Naonori Kodate (Director of the Centre) was invited by EHESS (École des hautes études en sciences sociales / School of Advanced Studies in Social Sciences – part of Paris Sciences et Lettres (PSL Research University)). He gave a series of lectures from Campus Condorcet (Aubervilliers, France). Prof. Kodate’s two hosts were: Prof. Sébastien Lechevalier (IRIS & FFJ) and Prof. Jean-Paul Gaudillière (CERMES 3 & Inserme).

(opens in a new window)https://www.ehess.fr/fr/personne/naonori-kodate

As Visiting Professor, he gave four lectures, one of which was also a keynote for the Innovation Forum, hosted by Toyo University, Tokyo, Japan on 21 May 2021. The event was co-organised by the INNOVCARE team leader, Prof. Lechevalier, (funded by the French Government’s scheme - « France 2030 » Programme Prioritaire de Recherche Autonomie ("Autonomie: vieillissement et situations de handicap")). The symposium was opened by Mr Didier MARTY-DESSUS (Counsellor for Science and Technology at Ambassade de France au Japon) and concluded by Prof. Hajime Imamura (Toyo University). Other speakers include Profs. Yukio Honda (Osaka Institute of Technology/University of Tokyo), Takamasa Iio (Doshisha University), Taro Sugihara (Tokyo Institute of Technology), Mohamed Chetouani (Sorbonne University) and Rachid Alami (CNRS).

Dr Kodate’s keynote lecture was entitled “Care systems in transition: welfare technologies, professional ethics and organizational culture”.

Furthermore, on 20 May, Dr Kodate gave an online guest lecture for postgraduate students and researchers at the Graduate School of Policy Science, Ritsumeikan University, Osaka, Japan.

Dr Kodate’s lecture "Care Technology, STEM Education and Gender" was offered as part of their course called Advanced Policy Research. The entire session continued for 4 hours, with lively Q&As and discussions. 

(opens in a new window)https://www.ritsumei.ac.jp/gsps/news/article.html/?id=77

Special thanks to Profs. Lechevalier, Gaudillière, Imamura, Alami, Ohtsuka and Sakanishi. Merci à vous aussi - Yuko, Fabien and Estelle !