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Abenomics & World Economy: Fruits and Future Prospects

Abenomics & the World Economy: Fruits and Future Prospect

Seminar - Global Economy & Abenomics: the fruits & future prospects

Speaker:  Mr Hajime Takata, Chief Economist at Mizuho Research Institute
When:  Fri 29th Sep 2017, 14:00-15:30
Where:  UCD Michael Smurfit Graduate Business School, Carysfort Avenue, Blackrock

Mr. Hajime Takata, BA (Econ) UTokyo, MSc (Econ) Oxford, Senior Managing Executive Officer and Chief Economist at Mizuho Research Institute, has a deep knowledge and acute insight into the financial market and the Japanese economy.

He will provide an overview of the special features of ABENOMICS by covering the present, the past 5 years and future prospects. ABENOMICS is designed to be a mindset revolution from the frozen state of the economy after the bubble economy burst in the 1990s.

Japan has been the forerunner in “Japanisation”, a term used to express how other advanced nations are experiencing balance sheet adjustments and subsequent secular stagnation. There is a general view that the Japanese economy will possibly decline in the 2020s. Contrary to this prevailing pessimism, we have a more optimistic view and we conclude that Japan is a leader in crisis response during its long post-WWII history.

Japan’s experience in dealing with the aging society, financial crisis and environmental issues provides a lesson for other advanced nations.

This is a free event, but please register (opens in a new window)HERE.