UCD Japan is working with a number of partners in Japan and abroad. They include academic institutions, research centres, NGOs, charitable organisations, and corporations.

Providing support for students & learning opportunities
The UCD Japan Group, together with the UCD Centre for Japanese Studies and the UCD Japanese Society, has been providing support, information and advice for students and staff. One example is the nomination/selection of the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs-funded MIRAI program.
Two UCD students have been awarded this short-term scholarship (Mr Anthony O’Shea (Law/Business) and Mr Cillian O’Brien (Chemistry)). UCD Japan has also been providing our students with the opportunities to ‘experience Japan’ on and off our UCD campus.
UCD's partner universities include: (opens in a new window)Waseda University, (opens in a new window)Keio University, (opens in a new window)University of Tokyo, (opens in a new window)Kyoto University, (opens in a new window)Osaka University, (opens in a new window)Tsuda University, (opens in a new window)Chiba University, (opens in a new window)Doshisha University,(opens in a new window) Hokkaido University, (opens in a new window)Utsunomiya University, (opens in a new window)The University of Electro-Communications, (opens in a new window)International Christian University and many more. (Visit UCD Global website)
Photo: Vice President for Global Engagement, Prof. O’Riordan, Mr O’Shea (MIRAI scholarship awardee) and Prof. Aaron Moore (Director, Institute of Asian Studies, Edinburgh University)

Community outreach and cultural activities
UCD Japan has been working very closely with the Experience Japan festival ((opens in a new window)http://experiencejapan.ie/), and contributed to cultural and community outreach activities, including the university’s UCD Festival. Experience Japan was established in 2010, and there is now a large team of supporters that come together to make Experience Japan work.
In 2019, Ms Nobuko Ijichi, on behalf of Experience Japan, received the award from the Irish Department of Educations and Skills for their contribution to Languages Connect. In addition, every autumn, UCD Japan organises a series of events (seminars and information sessions) called the UCD Japan Fair.
Photo: EJ Taiko and EJ Kids Taiko performing at O’Reilly Hall

Women Leaders in Science and Society
The UCD Japan Group was created as a result of Dr Kodate’s previous research and work on the theme of Women Leaders in Science and Society in Japan and Ireland.Working with the UCD Women in Science Group, the College of Science, and the College of Social Sciences and Law, the UCD Japan hosted its first seminar in June 2016.
We welcomed an eminent Japanese chemist, Prof. Reiko Kuroda and the then Japanese Ambassador to Ireland, Mrs Mari Miyoshi as speakers. Subsequently, we have (co-)hosted several events on this theme both in Japan and UCD.
Photo: President of Tsuda University, Prof. Takahashi gave a plenary talk at the UCD Women in STEM launch event

International Research Collaborations
Other international research collaborations include:
(1) 'Extreme ultraviolet source development for lithography' (Emeritus Prof. Gerry O'Sullivan, School of Physics and Prof. Higashiguchi, Utsunomiya University)
(2) 'Cellular signalling network' (Prof. Boris Kholodenko, SFI Stokes Professor of Systems Biology at Systems Biology Ireland and UCD Conway Institute and Prof. Mariko Okada at Osaka University)
(3) ‘The “KIDUKU” project’ (the Insight Centre for Data Analytics and Fujitsu Laboratories Ltd., with Prof. Brian Caulfield. School of Public Health, Physiotherapy and Sports Science).
(4)‘Disability Statistics and Disability Policy: Within the Context of Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities’ (the Center for Research on International Cooperation in Educational Development (CRICED) at Tsukuba University, with Assoc. Prof. Hasheem Mannan, School of Nursing, Midwifery and Health Systems); and
(5) 'Harmonisation towards the establishment of Person-centred, Robotics-aided Care System (HARP: RoCS)' (Profs. Sayuri Suwa and Wenwei Yu, Chiba University, Prof. Shigeru Masuyama, Tokyo Medical University, Prof. Nobuhiro Sakata, University of Yamanashi and Prof. Mayuko Tsujimura, Shiga University of Medical Science).
(6) Other international partners include: Prof. Sébastien Lechevalier (Fondation France-Japon, EHESS, France), Prof. Ken Ruoff (Portland State University), Assoc. Prof. Suzanne Brucksh (Teikyo University), Dr Cosima Wagner (Freie Universität Berlin) and Dr Richard Paluch (Universität Siegen).