Our People

Post Doctoral Researchers and Ph.D. students
Robins Mathew
Dr Robins Mathew is a Post-Doctoral Research Fellow at the School of Mechanical and Materials Engineering, University College Dublin. His research interests include virtual instrumentation, mobile robotics- path planning, control and human-robot collaboration. He received MTech degree in Mechatronics from the National Institute of Technology Karnataka (NITK) in 2013 and Ph.D. in mobile robotics from the Indian Institute of Technology Madras (IITM) in 2020. Dr Robins Mathew is currently working for project MARVIN- a project co-funded by Enterprise Ireland Innovation Partnership Programme (EI-IPP) to develop necessary technologies for the introduction of mobile robots in biomanufacturing sector for environmental monitoring. His responsibilities include the development, experimentation and integration of robotic vision system, development of strategies to minimize localization error of robotic platform as well as the design and manufacturing of custom hardware required for robot assisted environmental monitoring.
Research Office Room: 125 (UCD SMME)
Abraham George
A short description of Abraham's PhD project: To use novel visualization and cognitive technologies to design and augment the complex decision support and decision-making tools as part of cyber-physical control systems for advanced manufacturing applications, such as in additive manufacturing (3D -printing). The focus of our research will be to explore, develop and utilize state-of-the-art Computer-Aided Design / Manufacturing (CAD / CAM) and Augmented Reality (AR) technologies in modern manufacturing applications. The research will exploit ideas from advanced visualisation, real-time data processing and analysis, machine learning and intelligent product design.
Research Office Room: 201 (UCD SMME)
LinkedIn: (opens in a new window)https://www.linkedin.com/in/abramgeo
Aswin K Ramasubramanian
A short description of Aswin's PhD project: My research primarily focuses on the development of a digital twin of human robot collaborative process that involves modelling of the process by combining multimodal sensor data fusion. Furthermore, my research focuses on the development of artificial intelligence based applications for novel workplace monitoring and development of assistive and safe human-robot collaboration for manufacturing processes. My work involves real-time tracking and monitoring of operators on the shop-floor using various sensor devices and providing feedback and the status of the operator that would facilitate a safer human-robot collaboration.
Research Office Room: 201 (UCD SMME)
Google Scholar: (opens in a new window)https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=hcqQzcsAAAAJ&hl=en
Kubra Sar
A short description of Kubra's PhD project: Kubra Sar is a Ph.D. candidate at the School of Mechanical and Materials Engineering, University College Dublin. She is a member of the UCD Laboratory for Advanced Manufacturing Simulation and Robotics. She is currently working on a PhD project related to Reverse Logistics Network Design and Vehicle Routing Problems on waste management issues related to the medical device sector.. Her research interests are vehicle routing problems, reverse logistics and network design and modeling.
Research Office Room: 201A (UCD SMME)
Yang Hu
Yang is a PhD candidate that works on the application of digital tools such as blockchain on supply chain risk modeling and analysis with applications to the medical device sector.
Research Office Room: 201A (UCD SMME)