
15th January 2024: Mount Temple School visit
Our 'Languages for Life' student ambassadors Harry, Aisling and Ibrahim visited Mount Temple Comprehensive on 15th January 2024 talking about Erasmus and why learning languages is so valuable.

Final language support workshop for 2023
Congratulations and thanks to our wonderful Languages Connect UCD ambassador-tutors, Andrea, Georgina, Aoife, Kristina, Ciana, Lara and Harry, for their fantastic work on our Saturday on-campus workshops for 5th and 6th years, since October. Looking forward to the classes continuing in the New Year!

26th September 2022: European Day of Languages
We celebrated #europeandayoflanguages with a stand in Newman Building, supported by our Language Societies giving away sponsored items from Leargas Ireland and our brand-new Languages for Life brochure.