Seminar and Book Launch on 27 September
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- A Century of Courts
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- Constitutional Law: An Update
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- Complicating Rights of Nature
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- The Assisted Decision-Making Capacity Act: implications for legal and healthcare professionals
- UCD Human Rights Centre: Research Seminar 'Music Rights as Human Rights?'
- John M Kelly Memorial Lecture
- Seminars on the French Judicial System and Franco-Irish judicial cooperation in the EU context
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- Seminar and Book Launch on 27 September
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- Law and Religion in Ireland
- Book Launch: Conserving Europe's Wildlife
- VV Giri Lecture
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Seminar and Book Launch on 27 September
The evening will begin with a seminar on the subject of the transformation of EU Treaty Making which will be chaired by The Hon. Mr. Justice Gerard Hogan. Professor Jo Shaw (University of Edinburgh) and Professor David Phinnemore (Queens University Belfast) will speak in addition to the two authors.
This publication is a major study of EU treaty making helping readers gain insights into the links between EU law and national constitutions in this domain and their relevance for contemporary debates about EU and international treaty making. It provides important new evidence on classic theoretical debates in international relations and international law with new insights on the interplay between trust, legitimacy and treaty making. The book also challenges the prevailing consensus that mechanisms of EU treaty making are too rigid and provides new evidence about the factors driving treaty amendment and ideas for reforming EU treaty making.
The Authors:
Dr. Dermot Hodson
Dr Hodson is Reader in Political Economy and Assistant Dean for Teaching & Learning in Birbeck College, University of London.
He is a graduate of Trinity College, Dublin, the College of Europe, Bruges and the London School of Economics and worked as an economist at the European Commission’s Directorate General for Economic and Financial Affairs before joining Birkbeck. He has taught at the London School of Economics and held visiting positions at the College of Europe in Natolin, the University of Agder in Kristiansand and the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. He is a Visiting Professor in the Department of European Politics and Governance Studies at the College of Europe, Bruges.
A full profile can be viewed here: (opens in a new window)
Professor Imelda Maher
Imelda Maher is the Dean of Law and the inaugural Sutherland Full Professor of European Law. She is interested in the relationship between law and governance especially in economic spheres. She has published extensively in competition law and also on EU governance and presents her work regularly at international conferences and workshops.
She was general editor of Legal Studies (2012-2017) and is a member of the editorial advisory boards of that journal as well as the European Law Journal and of the Irish Yearbook of International Law. Before returning to Ireland in 2006, she worked at the London School of Economics; the Research School of Social Sciences, Australian National University (where she was Director of the Centre for Competition and Consumer Policy); Birkbeck College, University of London; and Warwick University. She also has held Fellowships or visiting appointments at Peking University School of Transnational Law; the Institute of Advanced Legal Studies, London; Notre Dame Law School (London); Sydney University School of Law; The Europe Centre, Australian National University; and Lund University, Sweden. In 2008 she gave the prestigious general course lectures on economic law and governance at the Academy of European Law, European University Institute, Florence.
A full profile can be viewed here,71089,en.html