HRER/ UCD Conference 12 June 2023: preliminary announcement and Call for Papers (deadline 13.03.23)
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- HRER/ UCD Conference 12 June 2023: preliminary announcement and Call for Papers (deadline 13.03.23)
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HRER/ UCD Conference 12 June 2023: Programme now available
We are pleased to announce that the programme for this conference is now available to download here .
This conference is hosted by the UCD Centre for Human Rights in association with the International Conference for Education and Democratic Citizenship (ICEDC) and Human Rights Education Review
Date/Time: Monday 12 June 2023, 9.30 – 17.00
Venue: University College Dublin, Centre for Human Rights, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland
Title: Human Rights and Education: past, present and future.
The ICEDC annual conference is a meeting place for scholars, researchers, graduate students, education policymakers, and civil society activists from across Europe and internationally. This year’s annual conference is being organised by the UCD Centre for Human Rights in Dublin, Ireland in association with the journal (opens in a new window)Human Rights Education Review (HRER). The conference will be a unique opportunity to present and discuss current research and policy relating to education for human rights and democratic citizenship. We welcome research papers and poster presentations addressing education for human rights and democratic citizenship from sociology, education, law, history, politics, geography and other relevant disciplines, as well as analyses of policy and case studies of campaigns and curriculum development.
Call for papers (Deadline 13 March 2023)
The 14th ICEDC Annual Conference is a contribution to the World Education Research Association (WERA) International Research Network (IRN) in Human Rights Education (HRE). It will take place on the 75th anniversary year of the Universal Declaration of Human RIghts (UDHR) which was adopted by the UN in 1948. Education is central to the fulfillment of many of the rights in the Declaration and Article 26 of the text expressly provides that the right to education itself should be directed “ the full development of the human personality and to the strengthening of respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms”.
The conference welcomes papers that explicitly address the theory and practice of human rights education and children’s rights education. Human rights and international law are threatened by the flouting of international commitments in the name of national interest and security concerns. Human rights education is ever more urgently required to ensure populations are aware of the role of human rights in promoting freedom, justice and peace in the world.
We invite papers that address issues of human rights and education. We welcome papers that focus on ways in which this right has been and is being respected, protected and fulfilled in different contexts. Papers may also address issues where this right has been denied through discrimination by, for instance, gender, ethnicity, disability and sexuality. Our primary focus is past and present but we also welcome papers which address the future of human rights education and ways of strengthening the HRE curriculum.
The WERA IRN, established in 2019, has a founding membership from 10 countries across 4 continents. The founding members are also members of the editorial team of Human Rights Education Review, an open access, online international scholarly journal published by the University of South-Eastern Norway. (opens in a new window)Human Rights Education Review (HRER) provides a forum for research and critical scholarship on human rights and diversity in education internationally, and it forms a pillar of the WERA IRN. Our plan is to publish some of the best papers from ICEDC 2023.
Abstracts of no more than 300 words including name, institutional affiliation and contact email should be sent, no later than Monday 13 March 2023 to: Dr. Suzanne Egan, (opens in a new window) All abstracts will be peer reviewed by members of the ICEDC steering group (Professor Audrey Osler, Professor Hugh Starkey and Dr. Suzanne Egan). Please indicate whether you would prefer to give an oral or a poster presentation. Applicants will be informed of the outcome of the review by Tuesday 21 March 2023.