Recognising Refugees Online Series: Practices and Modes of Recognition
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Recognising Refugees Online Series: Practices and Modes of Recognition
(Public Event: Online)
Thursday, 21.09.2023 | 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm (CEST)
Register (opens in a new window)here
We are delighted to promote this event hosted by the (opens in a new window)RefMig project, led by our new colleague, Prof. Cathryn Costello.
This is the second event in the Recognising Refugees Online Series hosted by the RefMig project at the Centre for Fundamental Rights, Hertie School in cooperation with the Refugee Studies Centre, University of Oxford, the Sutherland School of Law, University College Dublin, and the Kaldor Centre for International Refugee Law, University of New South Wales.
Refugee status determination is the process to determine who gets recognised as a refugee and is a central part of the international protection regime. However, practices and modes of recognition vary widely and are often politicised and contested. Given these dynamics, how to ensure the quality of recognition processes and outcomes? Which alternatives to formal refugee status do exist? And, how do group-based forms of recognition work and compare to individualised refugee status determination? The speakers of this online event shed light on these and related questions.
Prof. Cathryn Costello (University College Dublin and Hertie School) & Prof. Gregor Noll (University of Gothenburg): The Determination of Refugee Status: Conceptualising beyond Binaries
Prof. Liliana Jubilut (Universidade Católica de Santos): Brazil’s Dual Format of RSD: From the Tradition of Individual Procedures to the Use of Technology on Group Recognition
Dr Tamara Wood (Kaldor Centre for International Refugee Law): Group-based Refugee Recognition Practices in Africa
Chair: Dr Luisa Feline Freier de Ferrari (Universidad del Pacifico)
This event is the second in the Recognising Refugees Online Series organised by the RefMig project at the Centre for Fundamental Rights, Hertie School in cooperation with the Refugee Studies Centre, University of Oxford, the Sutherland School of Law, University College Dublin and the Kaldor Centre for International Refugee Law, University of New South Wales. It is part of a series of events to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the Refugee Studies Centre (RSC). The event will showcase scholarship on Refugee Status Determination and other refugee recognition practices globally. Scholars will present cutting-edge scholarship from diverse disciplines and methodological traditions. It aims to foster dialogue between researchers, practitioners and the interested public.
Prior registration is required to attend this event.
Register (opens in a new window)here