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UCD BCL/Maîtrise Student receives prestigious award in France

UCD BCL/Maîtrise Student receives prestigious award in France


In the year that we celebrated ten years of the BCL/Maîtrise, we were particularly honoured when one of our top students, Claire Mohan,  was awarded a Prix de Lauréat pour le Master 1 en droit by the Université de Toulouse Capitole 1. This prize is awarded annually to students who achieve examination results placing them within the top three students of their class. This is the second academic year that Claire has been awarded this prize and it is a huge honour for her, and in turn, for the UCD Sutherland School of Law.

The BCL/Maîtrise  Programme stands as one of its most exciting undergraduate programmes, offering as it does the opportunity for immersion in two of the world’s major legal systems, namely common law and civil law. Students are effectively offered the opportunity to work in both the Irish and French legal systems. The Programme appeals to students who wish to pursue a career as a barrister, solicitor or French avocat, as well as to those who aspire to practise in the domains of International and European Law, or in governmental or international institutions.

Claire was a UCD Ad Astra Academic Scholar who graduated this month with a First-Class Honours Bachelor of Civil Law and the equivalent of a First Class Honours Master 1, awarded by the Université de Toulouse Capitole 1. 

This summer, Claire completed a Judicial Externship with the Los Angeles U.S District Court, organised by the Los Angeles Irish-American Bar Association. Claire is currently studying for a Masters in Commercial Law at the University of Cambridge. 

UCD Sutherland School of Law

University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.