News 2017
- Professor Ian O'Donnell wins another book award!
- Ulysses Medal Awarded to Síofra O'Leary
- Professor Cathryn Costello and Dr Maebh Harding awarded ERC Consolidator Grants
- 'Soirée du Droit' hosted in UCD Sutherland School of Law
- Dr Niamh Howlin Book Launch in the Supreme Court
- Milestone Reunion of the Classes of 1984, 1994, 2004, and 2014
- John O'Donnell honoured with UCD Law Alumni Award 2024
- Mr. Declan McCourt RIP
- UCD Sutherland Opportunity Bursary
- Law Micro-credentials
- Special celebrations for the John M Kelly Lecture 2024 marking ten years in Sutherland School of Law
- ‘Digital Markets and the Law’: Workshop on emerging issues for businesses
- The James C Brady Prize Award winning students for 2022/2023
- Matheson Diversity in Law Newman Fellow appointed at UCD Sutherland School of Law
- Guide for 2024 Referendums on Family and Care
- Professor Aisling Swaine joins UCD Sutherland School of Law from UCD School of Social Policy, Social Work and Social Justice
- Aedamar Comiskey is honoured as Law Alumni Award Winner 2023
- The Bank of Ireland Finance Student Awards November 2023
- Milestone Reunion of the Classes of 1983, 1993, 2003 and 2013
- The new Individual Accountability Framework in Financial Services Ireland
- Leading scholar of EU Law and Labour Law appointed Full Professor at UCD Sutherland School of Law
- Court of Appeal Workshop
- Four Adjunct Professors Appointed to UCD Sutherland School of Law
- Launch of Barristers in Ireland: An Evolving Profession Since 1921 by Dr Niamh Howlin
- Professor Ian O'Donnell wins US Criminology Book Award
- Four UCD Law students take part in Our Rule of Law Academy in Brussels
- International Conference on Education and Democratic Citizenship (ICEDC) hosted in Sutherland School of Law
- International Symposium “Entrenching a Global Health Emergency Mode: Implications for Health and Human Rights Law”
- John M. Kelly lecture 2023 delivered by Baroness Onora O’Neill
- The 1981 BCL Class celebrate forty years since graduation
- Minister Roderic O’Connor chairs panel at seminar hosted by UCD Centre for Constitutional Studies
- Leading scholar of international refugee and migration law appointed Full Professor at UCD Sutherland School of Law
- Caoilfhionn Gallagher KC appointed Adjunct Full Professor at UCD Sutherland School of Law
- Copy of Donnybrook Magdalene Laundry Book Presented to the President of Ireland
- UCD team wins the 2023 Corn Adomnáin – International Humanitarian Law Competition
- UCD Sutherland Opportunity supported by Mason Hayes & Curran BURSARIES
- HRER/ UCD Conference 12 June 2023: preliminary announcement and Call for Papers (deadline 13.03.23)
- Professor Gráinne de Búrca awarded UCD Honorary Degree of Doctor of Laws
- Further Learning in Employment Law
- UCD Law Team wins the National Moot Court Competition 2022
- Dr Michael F Farrell, human rights activist awarded Honorary Degree of Doctor of Laws
- UCD Law alumna, Judge Síofra O’Leary, appointed president of European Court of Human Rights
- Large numbers of Alumni attend the 2022 Milestone Reunion
- Portrait of Mrs Justice Catherine McGuinness
- Dr Lukasz Grzejdziak appointed to EU Project for sustainable reforms in Ukraine's justice sector
- Mr Justice Gerard Hogan launches ‘Palles: The Legal Legacy of the Last Lord Chief Baron
- Conferring of UCD Matheson PhD Scholar in Commercial Law
- UCD PhD Student Awarded Irish Research Council Funding
- Professor Laurent Pech appointed Dean at UCD Sutherland School of Law
- Magdalene Laundries: Told, Acknowledged and Not Forgotten
- Professor John D Feerick conferred with honorary Degree of Doctor of Law
- 2022 Matheson | UCD Leadership Series Crypto and the Digital Assets Revolution: What’s Next?
- Histories of Probation in Ireland: A Theoretical Analysis
- Three Upcoming Constitutional Law Conferences in UCD Sutherland School of Law
- Lord Hendy focuses on P&O Ferries for the 2022 Guest Lecture in Employment Law
- Lord Sumption delivers the 2022 John M. Kelly lecture to a large audience in UCD Sutherland School of Law
- Chief Justice Launches UCD Student Legal Services Journal 2022
- The Rt. Hon the Lord Mayor of the City of London, Alderman Vincent Keaveny visits UCD Sutherland School of Law
- UCD Law hosts Student Event on The European Strategic Autonomy with Admiral Mellett (ret.) and Colonel Dirou
- UCD Law Students Refugee Law Mooting Success
- Major Conference on Philanthropy hosted by UCD Sutherland School of Law
- Fourteen Law Students Awarded Medals at Bank of Ireland Prize Giving
- Professor Imelda Maher appointed Fellow at New York University
- 2022 Helga Pedersen Moot Court Competition
- Ad Astra Fellows, UCD Sutherland School of Law
- Sutherland Fellow in French Law 2021/22
- Legal History Research Group publishes new book
- Mentors Sought for UCD Law Students
- Alumnus Vincent Keaveny appointed Lord Mayor of the City of London
- Three Doctoral candidates awarded Irish Research Council Scholarships
- European Traineeship in Intellectual Property
- THE Rankings position UCD Sutherland School of Law as Ireland’s leading University Law School
- The Class of 2022
- News 2021
- News 2020
- News 2019
- News 2018
- News 2017
- Walsh Lecture 2017
- PhD Graduations 2017
- Award of Honorary Doctorate
- Roman Tomasic Lecture
- Guest Lecture Employment Law 2017
- 2017 Reunion
- Restorative Justice Book Launch
- EU Field Trip 2018
- Law Review 2017
- ENVREG Climate Litigation Seminar
- Competition Law in Hong Kong & Ireland
- RIA PhD Seminar
- 41st Bank of Ireland Student Awards
- Insights into Non Law Careers for Law Graduates
- Caoilfhionn Gallagher QC honoured with Law Alumni Award 2017
- Dr Lynsey Black presents at ‘Human Rights in Focus’
- College Teaching Awards
- FET Entry Route
- Legal Scholars Conference
- University Teaching Awards
- 2017 Graduation
- Doctorate Graduations
- Ad Astra Athletes
- Arthur Cox Student Awards 2017
- Class of 2017
- Joint UCD-Queens PhD Workshop
- BLREG Seminar
- Summer Internships
- Profession Diploma Employment Law Graduation
- EU Judges Training
- Law and the Family
- 19th Annual Irish European Law Forum
- Criminology Lecture June
- Fulbright Award
- Rest Here Installation
- Mason Hayes Curran Prize
- Professional Regulation Seminar
- McCann FitzGerald sponsors students for Olso Competition
- Human Rights Teacher Training
- Students Human Rights Programme
- Brexit and Human Rights
- Matheson Sponsored PhD
- Mooting and Debating
- Study Visit to London
- Devenney Inaugural Lecture
- Alumni Reception in Brussels
- Bar Council of India
- Gradireland National Student Challenge
- Post Brexit Legal Landscape
- Conor White, Law with Economics, receives UCD Astra award
- The John M Kelly Memorial Lecture 2017
- SLS Reception at Irish Embassy
- UCD Sutherland School of Law Number 1 in Ireland in QS Rankings
- UCD - Riga Colloqium
- Human Rights Clinic - Conversation with Magdalene Survivors
- President Deeks Presents Student Awards
- A Celebration of UCD Sutherland School of Law
- Modern International Law
- UCD Law Students win Irish Times Debate 2017
- Keane on Company Law
- Workshop on Bitcoin and Blockchain
- Fundamentals of the Irish Legal System
- News 2016