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Criminology Lecture June

Latest Lecture in UCD Institute of Criminology Series

Dr Gwen Robinson, ((opens in a new window)Sheffield Law School, The University of Sheffield​) delivered the inaugural lecture in the UCD Institute of Criminology lecture series, entitled 'Patrolling the borders of risk: The new bifurcation of probation services in England & Wales' on Friday 23 June 2017.

Dr Robinson is a leading expert in the field of probation studies and has published widely in the areas of offender rehabilitation and management, community sanctions/penalties, and restorative justice. Her lecture focused on the current philosophies and values underpinning probation work in England and Wales and the implications of recent changes to probation structures, including the institutionalisation of risk and the privatisation of some probation services.

Professor Ian O'Donnell (UCD Institute of Criminology/Sutherland School of Law) delivered the opening address and Vivian Geiran, Director of (opens in a new window)the Probation Service, delivered a response to Dr Robinson's lecture which reflected on her paper as well as on the values and philosophies underpinning probation work in Ireland.  The event was extremely well attended and provided a valuable opportunity for the audience to discuss recent developments in probation work.

The UCD Institute of Criminology lecture series provides a forum for academics, policymakers and practitioners to meet and discuss important topics in the field of criminology and criminal justice.‌

L-R Vivian Geiran, Dr Gwen Robinson, Dr Deirdre Healy, Prof Ian O'Donnell

UCD Sutherland School of Law

University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.