The John M Kelly Memorial Lecture 2017
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- Professor Ian O'Donnell wins US Criminology Book Award
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- International Conference on Education and Democratic Citizenship (ICEDC) hosted in Sutherland School of Law
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- The 1981 BCL Class celebrate forty years since graduation
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- Dr Michael F Farrell, human rights activist awarded Honorary Degree of Doctor of Laws
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- The Rt. Hon the Lord Mayor of the City of London, Alderman Vincent Keaveny visits UCD Sutherland School of Law
- UCD Law hosts Student Event on The European Strategic Autonomy with Admiral Mellett (ret.) and Colonel Dirou
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- Major Conference on Philanthropy hosted by UCD Sutherland School of Law
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- Professor Imelda Maher appointed Fellow at New York University
- 2022 Helga Pedersen Moot Court Competition
- Ad Astra Fellows, UCD Sutherland School of Law
- Sutherland Fellow in French Law 2021/22
- Legal History Research Group publishes new book
- Mentors Sought for UCD Law Students
- Alumnus Vincent Keaveny appointed Lord Mayor of the City of London
- Three Doctoral candidates awarded Irish Research Council Scholarships
- European Traineeship in Intellectual Property
- THE Rankings position UCD Sutherland School of Law as Ireland’s leading University Law School
- The Class of 2022
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- Walsh Lecture 2017
- PhD Graduations 2017
- Award of Honorary Doctorate
- Roman Tomasic Lecture
- Guest Lecture Employment Law 2017
- 2017 Reunion
- Restorative Justice Book Launch
- EU Field Trip 2018
- Law Review 2017
- ENVREG Climate Litigation Seminar
- Competition Law in Hong Kong & Ireland
- RIA PhD Seminar
- 41st Bank of Ireland Student Awards
- Insights into Non Law Careers for Law Graduates
- Caoilfhionn Gallagher QC honoured with Law Alumni Award 2017
- Dr Lynsey Black presents at ‘Human Rights in Focus’
- College Teaching Awards
- FET Entry Route
- Legal Scholars Conference
- University Teaching Awards
- 2017 Graduation
- Doctorate Graduations
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- Arthur Cox Student Awards 2017
- Class of 2017
- Joint UCD-Queens PhD Workshop
- BLREG Seminar
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- Law and the Family
- 19th Annual Irish European Law Forum
- Criminology Lecture June
- Fulbright Award
- Rest Here Installation
- Mason Hayes Curran Prize
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- McCann FitzGerald sponsors students for Olso Competition
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- Students Human Rights Programme
- Brexit and Human Rights
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- Gradireland National Student Challenge
- Post Brexit Legal Landscape
- Conor White, Law with Economics, receives UCD Astra award
- The John M Kelly Memorial Lecture 2017
- SLS Reception at Irish Embassy
- UCD Sutherland School of Law Number 1 in Ireland in QS Rankings
- UCD - Riga Colloqium
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- President Deeks Presents Student Awards
- A Celebration of UCD Sutherland School of Law
- Modern International Law
- UCD Law Students win Irish Times Debate 2017
- Keane on Company Law
- Workshop on Bitcoin and Blockchain
- Fundamentals of the Irish Legal System
- News 2016
The John M Kelly Memorial Lecture 2017, delivered by Professor John Wylie
We were honoured to have the John M Kelly Memorial lecture delivered this year by distinguished academic, published author and renowned authority in the area of property law, Professor John Wylie (availabe to view (opens in a new window)here). We were also delighted to welcome a UCD alumnus and esteemed member of the judiciary, the Hon. Ms Justice Mary Laffoy, to deliver the introduction to the lecture. Justice Laffoy spoke about her twofold interest in giving the opening address, firstly, as a former student of Professor John Kelly and secondly due to the high regard in which she holds Professor John Wylie. In her short introduction (available to view (opens in a new window)here) she outlined the enormous degree to which Professor Wylie has added to the academic writings on property law coupled with his unrivalled contribution to the reform of this area of law in Ireland.
The John M Kelly lecture series offers the School of Law an opportunity to honour the memory of one of its most renowned and distinguished alumni. In addition to his tenure as Professor of Constitutional Law, Roman Law and Jurisprudence at UCD, the late John M. Kelly served as both Attorney General and Minister for Trade and Tourism.
Amongst the audience for Professor Wylie’s lecture were members of the Kelly family, senior members of the judiciary, the law library and a great number of distinguished academic and legal professionals. Students of the Masters in Common Law (MCL) from the Sutherland School of Law were also present to hear Professor Wylie’s lecture on the important area of Adverse Possession.
A summary of Professor Wylie’s lecture is provided below and is available in full to view by clicking on (opens in a new window)this link. The lecture will also be published in the forthcoming issue of the Irish Jurist.
The evening concluded with Dr Oonagh Breen of the School of Law paying tribute to the late Professor James C Brady Professor of Real Property and Equity at UCD from 1979 to his death in 1998. This is the sixteenth year of a medal being awarded to top law students in his name and his daughter Sinead, son Damian and granddaughter Clodagh, were all present for Dr Breen’s warm tribute.
Professor John Wylie with Dr Oonagh Breen of the UCD Sutherland School of Law
Ms Justice Mary Laffoy delivering the opening address to the lecture (available to view (opens in a new window)here)
Ms Niamh Hyland SC, Mr Nick Kelly and Professor Imelda Maher
Mr Justice Gerard Hogan, Mr Justice Donal O’Donnell and Mr Paul Gallagher SC
Mr Tom O’Connor, Consultant at Maples and Calder
Professor Imelda Maher with Mr James O’Reilly SC
Students of the Masters in Common Law (MCL) programme with Dr Niamh Howlin and Dr Noel McGrath
Pictured with Professor Wylie are three past winners of the James C Brady Prize (L to R) Sonja O’Connor, JJ McLoughlin and April Duff
Mr Justice Frank Clarke of the Supreme Court of Ireland
A summary of Professor John Wylie's JM Kelly Memorial Lecture:
Professor Wylie began with a heartfelt tribute to two UCD alumni: Professor James C Brady (BCL 1961 LLB 1963), Professor of Real Property and Equity at UCD from 1979 to his death in 1998 and His Honour Judge John F Buckley (BA 1954 LLB 1955), Convener of the Law Reform Commission’s Working Party on Land and Conveyancing Law Reform, who died recently. In relation to adverse possession, Professor Wylie acknowledged specifically the writing of Jim Brady and our colleague Tony Kerr on the limitation of actions.
In his lecture, Professor Wylie highlighted the failure to reform the law on adverse possession in Ireland over the last fifty years, despite the modernisation of most other aspects of land law. He identified a key element as being the moral unease caused by someone acquiring another person's property, without warning or compensation, through a wrongful act (and maybe even a criminal one). This has led to calls for some structural reform of the law, to rid it of these morally objectionable elements. Professor Wylie examined the rationales generally advanced for the law in its current form - which ignores any element of fault or desert on the part of the one dispossessing or the one dispossessed. These include its being an encouragement of the productive use of land or a remedy for homelessness. He found all but one of these arguments unpersuasive. The exception was the practical necessity for the current approach to adverse possession within the Irish conveyancing system. Situations like informal family arrangements for succession to property and encroachment by neighbours are too common to dispense with the role of adverse possession, even in relation to registered land. Even partially relaxing the rule, such as a warning and veto the dispossessed, would be inconsistent with good conveyancing practice. Having rejected any structural reform, Professor Wylie reviewed several technical reforms that might be made, such as modifying what kind of acts constitute adverse possession and dealing more clearly and logically with its consequences when it results from a tenant's encroachment on land other than that leased.
Professor Wylie's Lecture is available to view in full at (opens in a new window)this link.