Sutherland Law Seminar Series 2020
- Professor Ian O'Donnell wins another book award!
- Ulysses Medal Awarded to Síofra O'Leary
- Professor Cathryn Costello and Dr Maebh Harding awarded ERC Consolidator Grants
- 'Soirée du Droit' hosted in UCD Sutherland School of Law
- Dr Niamh Howlin Book Launch in the Supreme Court
- Milestone Reunion of the Classes of 1984, 1994, 2004, and 2014
- John O'Donnell honoured with UCD Law Alumni Award 2024
- Mr. Declan McCourt RIP
- UCD Sutherland Opportunity Bursary
- Law Micro-credentials
- Special celebrations for the John M Kelly Lecture 2024 marking ten years in Sutherland School of Law
- ‘Digital Markets and the Law’: Workshop on emerging issues for businesses
- The James C Brady Prize Award winning students for 2022/2023
- Matheson Diversity in Law Newman Fellow appointed at UCD Sutherland School of Law
- Guide for 2024 Referendums on Family and Care
- Professor Aisling Swaine joins UCD Sutherland School of Law from UCD School of Social Policy, Social Work and Social Justice
- Aedamar Comiskey is honoured as Law Alumni Award Winner 2023
- The Bank of Ireland Finance Student Awards November 2023
- Milestone Reunion of the Classes of 1983, 1993, 2003 and 2013
- The new Individual Accountability Framework in Financial Services Ireland
- Leading scholar of EU Law and Labour Law appointed Full Professor at UCD Sutherland School of Law
- Court of Appeal Workshop
- Four Adjunct Professors Appointed to UCD Sutherland School of Law
- Launch of Barristers in Ireland: An Evolving Profession Since 1921 by Dr Niamh Howlin
- Professor Ian O'Donnell wins US Criminology Book Award
- Four UCD Law students take part in Our Rule of Law Academy in Brussels
- International Conference on Education and Democratic Citizenship (ICEDC) hosted in Sutherland School of Law
- International Symposium “Entrenching a Global Health Emergency Mode: Implications for Health and Human Rights Law”
- John M. Kelly lecture 2023 delivered by Baroness Onora O’Neill
- The 1981 BCL Class celebrate forty years since graduation
- Minister Roderic O’Connor chairs panel at seminar hosted by UCD Centre for Constitutional Studies
- Leading scholar of international refugee and migration law appointed Full Professor at UCD Sutherland School of Law
- Caoilfhionn Gallagher KC appointed Adjunct Full Professor at UCD Sutherland School of Law
- Copy of Donnybrook Magdalene Laundry Book Presented to the President of Ireland
- UCD team wins the 2023 Corn Adomnáin – International Humanitarian Law Competition
- UCD Sutherland Opportunity supported by Mason Hayes & Curran BURSARIES
- HRER/ UCD Conference 12 June 2023: preliminary announcement and Call for Papers (deadline 13.03.23)
- Professor Gráinne de Búrca awarded UCD Honorary Degree of Doctor of Laws
- Further Learning in Employment Law
- UCD Law Team wins the National Moot Court Competition 2022
- Dr Michael F Farrell, human rights activist awarded Honorary Degree of Doctor of Laws
- UCD Law alumna, Judge Síofra O’Leary, appointed president of European Court of Human Rights
- Large numbers of Alumni attend the 2022 Milestone Reunion
- Portrait of Mrs Justice Catherine McGuinness
- Dr Lukasz Grzejdziak appointed to EU Project for sustainable reforms in Ukraine's justice sector
- Mr Justice Gerard Hogan launches ‘Palles: The Legal Legacy of the Last Lord Chief Baron
- Conferring of UCD Matheson PhD Scholar in Commercial Law
- UCD PhD Student Awarded Irish Research Council Funding
- Professor Laurent Pech appointed Dean at UCD Sutherland School of Law
- Magdalene Laundries: Told, Acknowledged and Not Forgotten
- Professor John D Feerick conferred with honorary Degree of Doctor of Law
- 2022 Matheson | UCD Leadership Series Crypto and the Digital Assets Revolution: What’s Next?
- Histories of Probation in Ireland: A Theoretical Analysis
- Three Upcoming Constitutional Law Conferences in UCD Sutherland School of Law
- Lord Hendy focuses on P&O Ferries for the 2022 Guest Lecture in Employment Law
- Lord Sumption delivers the 2022 John M. Kelly lecture to a large audience in UCD Sutherland School of Law
- Chief Justice Launches UCD Student Legal Services Journal 2022
- The Rt. Hon the Lord Mayor of the City of London, Alderman Vincent Keaveny visits UCD Sutherland School of Law
- UCD Law hosts Student Event on The European Strategic Autonomy with Admiral Mellett (ret.) and Colonel Dirou
- UCD Law Students Refugee Law Mooting Success
- Major Conference on Philanthropy hosted by UCD Sutherland School of Law
- Fourteen Law Students Awarded Medals at Bank of Ireland Prize Giving
- Professor Imelda Maher appointed Fellow at New York University
- 2022 Helga Pedersen Moot Court Competition
- Ad Astra Fellows, UCD Sutherland School of Law
- Sutherland Fellow in French Law 2021/22
- Legal History Research Group publishes new book
- Mentors Sought for UCD Law Students
- Alumnus Vincent Keaveny appointed Lord Mayor of the City of London
- Three Doctoral candidates awarded Irish Research Council Scholarships
- European Traineeship in Intellectual Property
- THE Rankings position UCD Sutherland School of Law as Ireland’s leading University Law School
- The Class of 2022
- News 2021
- News 2020
- Dr Silvia Gagliardi wins Universitas21 Award
- Chief Justice addresses Class of 2020 Conferring
- School of Law Christmas Fundraiser for SVP
- Professional Diploma in Arbitration: Government Funded places for January 2021
- MSc in Criminology and Criminal Justice: Government Funded places for January 2021
- UCD to Host one of the World’s Leading International Legal Conferences in 2022
- Seminar Series on the Day Report & Direct Provision
- UCD Sutherland Opportunity supported by Mason Hayes & Curran BURSARIES
- Government Supported Places Announced
- Dr Nina Lueck and Prof. Oonagh Breen present at this years Marie Curie conference
- Prof Oonagh Breen appointed Chairperson of UCD Press Editorial Committee
- Dignity and Respect in the Sutherland School of Law
- Student Registration
- UCD and Sutherland School of Law united in support for Xuedan Xiong
- UCD School of Law PhD Candidate awarded NUI EJ Phelan Fellowship
- Important Notice for Incoming Law Students
- UCD Law PhD student joins Anti-Racism Committee
- UCD Law students awarded prestigious UK Scholarships
- Professional Diplomas Enrolling for Autumn 2020
- Celebrating Twenty Years of the Fordham Summer School
- BBL graduate undertakes Legal History PhD in Yale
- Dr. Marie-Luce Paris is awarded the prestigious IRC Ulysses Grant
- Sutherland School of Law welcomes a third ERC Grant
- ‘UK in a Changing Europe’: Blog by Prof Joseph McMahon
- Student Reading List - Staff Recommendations
- Covid 19: Message from Dean of Law to Students
- ‘Fighting Back: U.S. Litigation in the #MeToo Era’
- Extensive media interest in UCD research on reform of the jury system
- Scholar at Risk at the Sutherland School of Law
- Senior banking figures attend ‘Regulating Bank Culture’ Conference in UCD
- New book by Prof Oonagh Breen launched by Ms Justice Finlay Geoghegan
- Sutherland School of Law Ad Astra Fellows
- Sutherland Law Seminar Series 2020
- Celebration of Twenty Years of French Law in UCD
- Caoimhe Gethings & Andrea Whelton triumph in National Moot
- News 2019
- News 2018
- News 2017
- News 2016
Sutherland Law Seminar Series 2020
The Sutherland Law Seminar Series features lectures on a wide range of topics delivered by Sutherland School of Law adjunct professors and faculty plus a number of distinguished guest speakers.
The seminars take place on Thursday evenings between 6pm and 7pm and are attended by law students, staff and guests of the School of Law.
In 2020, the series featured the following distinguished speakers:
6 February 2020: Adjunct Professor Emma Redmond: 'The Real-World impact of Privacy by Design'
Emma Redmond practices privacy and data protection at Stripe and was formerly Head of International Data Protection at and She acts as Chair of the General Counsel forum at the American Chamber of Commerce and is a Member of the Inner Temple and the International Association of Privacy Professionals.
13 February 2020: Adjunct Professor Paul Gallagher SC: 'The Court of Justice - Legal Reasoning and the Rule of Law in the context of Data Protection'
Paul Gallagher has been practising at the Irish Bar for 41 years. He was appointed a Senior Counsel in 1991 and a bencher of the King’s Inns in 2005. He was Attorney General of Ireland between 2007 and 2011 and is a former vice chair of the Irish Bar Council. He holds degrees in law (UCD, King’s Inns, Cambridge University) and in History and Economics (UCD). He practises widely in the areas of commercial law, european law and public law.
20 February 2020: Professor Imelda Maher: ‘EU Law in Court: Scotland and Ireland compared’
Professor Maher holds the Sutherland Chair of European Law and is the current Dean of Sutherland School of Law. She previously worked at the London School of Economics; the Research School of Social Sciences, Australian National University; Birkbeck College, University of London; and Warwick University. She is a Member of the Royal Irish Academy and was a founding member of the European Law Institute. Professor Maher was also recently appointed an Honorary Bencher of the Middle Temple.
27 February 2020: Adjunct Professor, Raymond Byrne: 'How Codifying the Law is Our Future Present'
Raymond Byrne is the Law Reform Commissioner since April 2016. He qualified as a barrister in 1982 and has published widely on legal matters. He chaired a working Group whose work led to a Council of Europe 2009 Recommendation on Missing Persons and Presumption of Death. He is currently a member of the Research Ethics Committee of the Royal College of Physicians in Ireland. He was previously Chair of the Irish Council for Civil Liberties and President of the Irish Association of Law Teachers.
5 March 2020: Adjunct Professor Bláthna Ruane SC: ‘Legal chaos? The legal struggle for the Anglo-Irish Treaty 1921’
Blathna Ruane BA LLM (Cantab) PhD (Cantab) is a distinguished Senior Counsel, a UCD alumnus and established constitutional historian with a PhD in the field from Cambridge University. She was a partner in a leading law firm, McCann FitzGerald, prior to her call to the Bar in 1992. Her research publications include articles in scholarly and professional journals and in books with leading academic presses in the fields of constitutional law and legal history.
The following seminars were cancelled due to the Covid 19 situation. Rescheduled dates will be announced in due course:
Professor Matthew Kramer, University of Cambridge: ‘Freedom of Expression as Self-Restraint’
Matthew Henry Kramer FBA is an American philosopher and is currently Professor of Legal and Political Philosophy at the University of Cambridge and a Fellow of Churchill College, Cambridge. He writes mainly in the areas of metaethics, normative ethics, legal philosophy, and political philosophy.
Professor Oonagh Breen: Philanthropy in Ireland; Exploring the Who, the How and the Why.
Dr. Oonagh B. Breen is a Professor of Law at the Sutherland School of Law where she researches NGO Law, Governance, and Social Change, teaching both in this field and in the area of Equity and the Law of Trusts. She has worked with the non profit sector, charity regulators and policymakers in a number of jurisdictions (including Ireland, the UK, Australia, New Zealand and Canada). She specialises in the area of comparative charity regulation and non profit-state collaboration in public policy formation and development.
Ercus Stewart SC: ‘Fifty Years at the Bar…’
Ercus Stewart SC has practised at the Bar since 1970 and since 1982 he has been a Senior Counsel. His practice centres on civil, commercial and labour law, litigation and arbitration. He is also a member of the Bars of Northern Ireland, England and Wales and Australia (NSW). In addition to his law practice, Mr. Stewart is an arbitrator, in international and domestic Commercial Arbitration, and also a Mediator and is a founder member and former chairman of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators, Irish Branch.
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