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Doctoral Studies at UCD Sutherland School of Law

UCD Sutherland School of Law, with internationally renowned researchers across major fields of law, welcomes PhD candidates from across the world.

Students will experience unrivalled research supervision and guidance by supervisors and doctoral studies panels in a structured PhD programme. 

The Sutherland School houses the world-class Matheson Doctoral Studies Suite, where doctoral students each have their own desk and the PhD community enjoy their own common room.

Over the years members of our faculty have supervised many PhD candidates to the successful completion of their Doctoral studies.

Outlined below are some of the academic supervisors in the School of Law and their areas of research.  Click on each for details of PhD graduates that they have supervised and their thesis titles and, in many cases, where they are now employed.

Faculty in the School of Law welcome enquiries from prospective PhD candidates. We encourage you to review our full staff list and their research profiles and then contact them directly to explore doctoral possibilities.     The support of a potential supervisor is normally expected before admission to the doctoral programme.  Please note it is necessary, but not sufficient, as the admissions decisions are taken by the School Admissions Committee.

Details on scholarships and funding is available here

Information on current PhD candidates at UCD Sutherland School of Law is available at this link

Dr Jiangyuan Fu: Thesis Title: “Multilateral governance of the international food trade: a case study of the Irish dairy export to the Chinese market”.

Jiangyuan is an Associate Professor at Huazhong University of Science and Technology

Dr Mu Li: Thesis Title: “WTO and export restrictions on high-technology products”

Dr Xiuyan Fei: Thesis Title: " Judicial Interactions around WTO Dispute Settlement: Sovereignty and Deference".

Xiuyan Fei lectures at the Institute of Social Sciences and the Institute of BRICS Legal Studies at the East China University of Political Science and Law in Shanghai.

Dr Marek Martyniszyn: Thesis Title: "The Limits of the Doctrine of Extraterritoriality in Competition Law".

Marek Martyniszyn is a Senior Lecturer in the School of Law in Queen’s University Belfast, Northern Ireland.

Dr Oana-Andreea Stefan: Thesis Title: "EU Soft Law in Court".

Oana Stefan is a Reader at The Dickson Poon School of Law in King’s College London, United Kingdom.

Dr Jocelyn Delatre: Thesis Title: “Collective Private Enforcement of EC Competition Law: A study of the deterrent effect of Aggregate Litigation on Breaches of European Antitrust Laws”.

Jocelyn Delatre is the Smart Mobility Manager at the European Automobile Manufacturers'​ Association (ACEA), Brussels, Belgium.

Dr Osayomwanbor (Bob) Enofe: Thesis Title: “Legal Transplants, Cartel Criminalisation, and Developing Countries: the Case of Nigeria”.

Bob Enofe is International Legal Consultant for The AfroChamber of Commerce in Sao Paulo, Brazil and also lectures part-time in Law and Macroeconomics at FGV EAESP in Sao Paulo.


Dr Morgane Nerrou: Thesis Title: “Reviewing the European Arrest Warrant: Judicial Experience and Experimentalist Governance”.

Morgne Nerrou is a Senior Pension Administrator at Hampshire County Council in the United Kingdom.

Dr Christina Götzelmann: Thesis Title: “Migrant Family Residence Rights in Irish and European Law”.

Christin Götzelmann works with the Office of Education and Integration in Germany.

Dr Abaquesne de Parfouru Anatole: Thesis Title: “The Article 114 TFEU Legal Basis as an Illustration of the Delimitation and Exercise of Union Competence”.

Dr Julien Sterck: Thesis Title: "The Constitutional Identity of Member States and the Primacy of European Union Law: A Comparative Study of Ireland and France".

Julien Sterck is currerntly working at the Court of Justice of the European Union.

Dr Irene Bullmer: Thesis Title: “Climate change adaptation governance in the agricultural sectors of four European Union Member States from a Socio-Legal Systems Theory perspective (an analysis from 2015 to 2016)”.

Irene Bullmer is an economist at the German Federal Agency for Nature Conservation.


Dr Yanxuedan Zhang: Thesis Title: “Legal Transition in Environmental Law and Regulation”.

Yanxuedan Zhang is an Associate in Sunshine Law Firm, Shanghai

Dr Joe Garrihy: Thesis Title: “Prison Officers: The Construction, Maintenance and Performance of Identity in Irish Prisons”.

Joe Garrihy is Assistant Lecturer in Criminology at Maynooth University, Co. Kildare, Ireland. 

Dr Diarmuid Griffin: Thesis Title: "The Politics of Parole: Discretion and the Life Sentence Prisoner".

Diarmuid  Griffin lectures Criminal Law, Criminology and Criminal Justice at the School of Law in NUIG, Galway, Ireland.

Dr Elizabeth Corcoran: Thesis Title: “Fiduciary Duties in the Financial Services Sector: The Interplay Between Regulation and Equity”.

Elizabeth Corcoran practices as a Barrister at the Bar of Ireland and lectures in law at Griffith College Dublin, Ireland.

Dr Elaine Buckley: Thesis Title: “A triangulation of the independent legal advice requirement in personally guaranteed lending”.

Elaine Buckley practices as a Barrister at the Bar of Ireland.

Dr Faiza Ismal - Shaikh Ahmed Hassan School of Law: Thesis Title: “To research the prospects of Islamic finance to emerge as an additional financial system running parallel to the conventional financial system to boost up the economic growth of the Republic of Ireland”.

Faiza Ismal is an Assistant Professor at the Lahore University of Management Sciences, Punjab Pakistan.

Dr Patrick Ibekwe: Thesis Title: “Interim and provisional measures in International Law and Arbitration: the impact of regulatory norms on persisting problems”.

Patrick Ibekwe is currently Interviewing for academic posts in Nigeria.

Dr Sultan Abdulsalam: Thesis Title: "An Assessment of Auditors’ Civil Liability towards Shareholders in Comparative Perspective with Special Reference to Islamic and Conventional Insurance Principles and Practices".

Sultan is a Lecturer in the Faculty of Law at King AbdulAziz University, Saudi Arabia.

Dr. Olufunmilola Sodipo: Thesis Title: Third World Approaches to Reforming International Investment Regime 

Dr Etain Quigley: Thesis Title: “The Rise of Risk? Contemporary Policy and Practice in the Irish Youth Justice System”.

Etain Quigley lectures in the Department of Law in NUI Maynooth, Ireland.

Dr Clare Cresswell: Thesis Title: “Assisted Desistance: Evaluating a coordinated community-based response to the reintegration of people convicted of harmful sexual behaviour.”

Dr Louise Rooney: Thesis Title: “Gendered perspectives: Exploring criminal justice practitioner responses to male & female offenders”.

Louise Rooney is now a Postdoctoral Researcher in the School of Medicine, University College Dublin (Child and Adolescent Psychiatry).

Dr Donal Coffey: Thesis Title: “Irish Constitutional Developments, 1936-37”.

Donal Coffey is Managing Editor of the American Journal of Legal History.

Dr Miriam Keane: Thesis Title: “Costs in Administrative Law”. 

Miriam is a Corporate Solicitor with law firm, A&L Goodbody in Dublin.

Dr Kanstantsin Dzehtsiarou: Thesis Title: “European Consensus in the Case Law of the European Law of Human Rights”.

Dr Kanstantsin Dzehtsiarou is a Professor in Human Rights Law in the University of Liverpool.

Dr Edward Keegan: Thesis Title: “A Missing Piece in the Puzzle: Monitoring Mechanisms and the Protection of Trafficking Victims in Europe”.

Edward Keegan works as a Data Protection Executive for the Data Protection Commission in Ireland.

Dr Sagee Geetha Sethu: Thesis Title: to be confirmed.

Sagee Sethu is an Assistant Professor of Law at Amity University Dubai.

Dr Margery Hilko: Thesis Title: “Have Disruptive Technologies given a mandate for Intellectual Property Reform?”.

Margery Hilko lectures part-time in Sports Law in UCD Sutherland School of Law in addition to a judging role with the Ice Skating Association of Ireland.

Dr Edoardo Celeste: Thesis Title: “Digital Constitutionalism: The Internet Bill of Rights”. 

Edoardo Celeste is a Lecturer in Law at Dublin City University, Ireland where he teaches in the areas of privacy, data protection and intellectual property law.

 Dr Chris Cowley: Thesis Title: “Jogee and the Doctrine of Joint Enterprise”.

Chris Cowley is an Associate Professor in the School of Philosophy, University College Dublin.

Dr Gang Mei: Thesis Title: “The protection of traditional knowledge and intellectual property rights”.

UCD Sutherland School of Law

University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.