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Legal Advice

Legal Advice

Steps for applying for legal advice

  1. Complete Sections 1 and 2 of the Legal Advice Form and submit to UCD Legal by email to (opens in a new window)corporate.legal@ucd.ie
  2. A response will be provided by email to the individual requesting the legal advice confirming if the legal matter can be dealt with internally or if it requires external legal advice from a firm on the university's external Legal Panel.

If the legal matter is being dealt with internally:

UCD Legal will acknowledge receipt of the Legal Advice Form and provide the internal contact point for dealing with the legal matter.

If the legal matter requires external legal advice:

      1. UCD Legal review applications and generally conduct mini competitions/tenders if required for outsourced legal advice on a weekly basis, every Monday.
      2. Once received by UCD Legal , a quote for professional fees will be provided to the applicant.
      3. If quote is approved by the applicant, the applicant is required to sign the Acknowledgement (Section 3 of the Legal Advice Request Form) and forward it to (opens in a new window)corporate.legal@ucd.ieNB Please ensure that a purchase order number is provided. Note that law firms will not begin to provide legal advice until a PO has been provided.
      4. The completed Legal Advice Request Form is then sent to the relevant external legal firm.
      5. The legal firm will then deal directly with the applicant/UCD Client and will copy Corporate and Legal on all correspondence


    1. Once the matter is completed an invoice from the legal firm will be forwarded for approval by email to the UCD client, quoting the relevant purchase order number.
    2. Payment must be approved and submitted to UCD Finance Office within 5 working days.

Contact the UCD Legal

Roebuck Castle, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4. Ireland
T: +353 1 716 8708 | E: corporate.legal@ucd.ie