Research, Innovation & Impact
Lyons Farm is a fundamental asset to the research programmes of numerous Principal Investigators (PIs) in the School of Agriculture, Food Science and Veterinary Medicine.
Research Focus
Lyons Farm provides the on-farm facilities that support over €20 million in active research grants. In addition it provides the infrastructure to support the graduate research opportunities that lead to both Master's and Doctoral degree awards from both the, UCD School of Agriculture, Food Science & the UCD School of Veterinary Medicine.
The overall aim of the research undertaken at Lyons is to develop a better understanding of the molecular biology of animal and crop systems and to translate this into new technologies and production systems to improve the quality of the food produced, the efficiency of its production and the competitiveness of the systems of food production with due regard to environmental stewardship and welfare of the animals.
Key areas of research undertaken at Lyons include