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Head of School Welcome

Professor Nial Friel

Nial Friel

Welcome to UCD School of Mathematics and Statistics. The School is the largest of its kind in Ireland and the highest ranked nationally in the subjects of Mathematics and Statistics.

We offer more degrees in the Mathematical Sciences than anyone else in Ireland with a range of undergraduate degrees including BSc degrees through the DN200 Mathematics stream (including Applied / Financial / Statistics) and DN200 Science, Mathematics and Education stream and DN230 (Actuarial & Financial Studies). We also offer several BA degrees through DN500 and BSc Social Sciences through DN700.

We offer a variety of postgraduate degrees including: MSc Actuarial Science, MSc Data and Computational Science, MSc in Financial Mathematics, MA Statistics and MSc Statistics. Our Postgraduate study webpage has much more details.

All of our academic staff are engaged in active research with a strong record of publications in international journals. Our staff have been very successful in obtaining funding from national and international agencies and from industry. We have a vibrant community of PhD students and play a leading role in (opens in a new window)SFI Centre for Research Training in the Foundations of Data Science. We play a leading role in several research centres including the (opens in a new window)Insight Centre for Data Analytics and (opens in a new window)VistaMilk.

The School has recently won an Athena Swan Bronze Award, confirming our commitment to gender equality and the development of a family friendly working environment.

Thank you for your interest in our School.

UCD School of Mathematics and Statistics

Room S3.04, Science Centre South, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.