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Fluid Dynamics Group takes delivery of a high-speed camera

Fluid Dynamics Group takes delivery of a high-speed camera

The Fluid Dynamics Group in the School of Mathematics and Statistics has recently taken delivery of a (opens in a new window)Chronos 1.4 high-speed camera. This is a high-speed camera which operates at over 1,000 frames per second at high resolution (1280x1024), and up to 11,000 frames per second at 1280 x 96 resolution.  The camera will be used to carry out droplet-impact studies, and to compare simulation results with experiments.  This is a cutting-edge approach to research which will enable researchers in the Fluid Dynamics Group to combine the strengths of (opens in a new window)theoretical modelling, experimental techniques, and computational fluid dynamics.  The camera will also be used for undergraduate research projects, to give students practical skills in coding, image processing, and handling large amounts of data.  Taking delivery of the camera, Fluids Group member and Associate Professor Lennon Ó Náraigh said, "this is an excellent piece of equipment that will enable cutting-edge research and teaching in Maths and Statistics in UCD.  Already we are using the camera to visualize high-speed fluid phenomena, and to deliver innovative and exciting final-year projects for our undergraduates".  Some high-speed visualizations made by the Fluids Group can be found (opens in a new window)here and (opens in a new window)here.

UCD School of Mathematics and Statistics

Room S3.04, Science Centre South, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.